Dedicated to the men and women
in rescue and E.M.S.
who devote many hours away
from their loved ones so that others
may also live and enjoy life.
Table of Contents
1.1 ARTICLE I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Association."
1.2 ARTICLE II: Objectives
The objectives of the Association shall be to:
- Promote the ideas of organized Rescue and Emergency Medical Service throughout the State of North Carolina, and,
- Promote and assist in the establishment and training of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services organizations; and,
- Promote safe and innovative advances in Rescue and patient care techniques so as to better serve the citizens of North Carolina; and,
- Stay abreast of, and inform its membership of legislation and regulation changes affecting Rescue and Emergency Medical Services units and personnel on the state and national level; and,
- Promote and encourage high ethical standards among Rescue and Emergency Medical Services personnel; and,
- Encourage and promote a harmonious spirit of kinship among Rescue and Emergency Medical Services personnel and others devoted to the cause of saving life and aiding the sick and injured; and,
- Promote the general welfare of the members and squads of the Association; and,
- Communicate with organizations, governmental agencies and commissions whose objectives are accident prevention, safety education, rescue and/or patient care related; and, to cooperate with these bodies to the extent that their efforts benefit the Association's membership; and,
- Bring all organizations together in a common organization.
1.3 ARTICLE III: Membership
1.3.1 Section 1: Generally
Membership in the Association shall be open to any organization actively engaged in Rescue and/or EMS, its membership and any individual so engaged. Membership is also open to any organization or individual which supports any of the objectives set forth in Article II of this Constitution. However all organizations and individuals seeking membership must satisfy the membership requirements hereinafter set forth in the By-Laws provided that these requirements shall not seek to limit membership based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap or familial status.
1.3.2 Section 2: Classifications
The membership of this Association shall be divided into classes, set forth hereinafter in the By-Laws, each having varying levels of authority and rights.
1.3.3 Section 3: Application For and Approval of Membership
Application for membership in the Association shall be made in writing as prescribed hereinafter in the By-Laws. Approval of all applications and acceptance into membership shall be as provided hereinafter in the By-Laws.
Related Sections:
By Laws
1.4 ARTICLE IV: Organization
1.4.1 Section 1: Geographical Areas
The Association shall be divided into fifteen (15) Areas as follows:
- Area 1: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Pasquotank, and Perquimans counties.
- Area 2: Beaufort, Bertie, Hyde, Martin, Pitt, Tyrell and Washington counties.
- Area 3: Carteret, Craven, Greene, Lenoir, Pamlico, and Wayne counties.
- Area 4: Cumberland, Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Pender and Sampson counties.
- Area 5: Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Hoke, New Hanover, and Robeson counties.
- Area 6: Franklin, Granville, Halifax, Northhampton, Person, Vance and Warren counties.
- Area 7: Edgecombe, Harnett, Johnston, Nash, Wake and Wilson counties.
- Area 8: Anson, Chatham, Lee, Montgomery, Moore, Richmond and Scotland counties.
- Area 9: Caswell, Davie, Forsyth, Rockingham, Stokes, Surry and Yadkin counties.
- Area 10: Alamance, Davidson, Durham, Guilford, Orange and Randolph counties.
- Area 11: Alexander, Alleghany, Cabarrus, Iredell, Rowan, Stanly and Wilkes counties.
- Area 12: Ashe, Avery, Caldwell, McDowell, Mitchell, Watauga and Yancey counties.
- Area 13: Burke, Catawba, Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln, Mecklenburg and Union counties.
- Area 14: Buncombe, Cherokee, Graham, Haywood, Madison and Swain counties.
- Area 15: Clay, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Polk, Rutherford and Transylvania counties.
1.4.2 Section 2: County Movement Between Areas
A county may be moved from its present area to a new area by amending this Constitution. However, a county that borders an adjacent area may leave its present area and join the adjacent area by taking three steps. First, obtain two-thirds (2/3) approval of the Association squads in that county. Second, obtain written approval of the Association squads in the adjacent area. And finally, obtain majority approval of the Board of Directors.
Related Sections:
1.5 ARTICLE V: Officers, Governing Bodies, Committees and Employees
1.5.1 Section 1: Elected Association Officers Subsection A: Elected Association Officers
The elected officers of the Association shall consist of a Commander, and Vice-Commander. Subsection B: Commander and Vice-Commander
The Commander shall be a member of the Association in good standing and not less than 21 years of age. S/he shall not hold any other elective Association or Area office while serving as Commander. The Vice-Commander shall be a member of the Association in good standing and not less than 21 years of age. S/he shall not hold any other elective Association or Area office while serving as Vice-Commander, except as noted in the By-Laws for Interim Vice-Commanders. Subsection C: Election of Commander and Vice-Commander
The Commander and Vice-Commander shall be elected by secret ballot in odd numbered years at the Association's Convention and Annual Meeting by a majority of votes cast by eligible voters, as defined in the By-Laws under Voting. There shall be a one minute interval of time between the last nomination received for each office and when a motion to close nominations will be accepted. These officers shall take office at the close of the Convention and Annual Meeting and each shall serve a two year term of office. A person shall serve no more than two (2) successive terms as Vice-Commander or as Commander. A person must complete their term as Commander and their obligation as a director, as described in Section V Subsection A of this article, before they will be eligible to serve an additional term as Commander or as Vice-Commander. A person may file for the office of Commander or the office of Vice-Commander at the association's Convention and Annual Meeting during their last year as a director. Subsection D: Nominations
In the event that no one seeks the position of Commander or Vice-Commander or both, and there are no nominations from the floor, the Board of Directors shall meet prior to Convention and Annual Meeting adjournment to elect the officer or officers.
Related Sections:
1.5.2 Section 2: Appointed Association Officers Subsection A: Requirements
All Appointed Association Officers shall be not less than 18 years of age, appointed by the Commander and Vice-Commander, except the Executive Director who shall be appointed by the Board of Directors on the recommendations of the personnel committee, and approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors. Appointed Association Officers shall serve one (1) year terms except the Executive Director who shall serve under contract with the Board of Directors. Subsection B: Appointed Association Positions
- The Appointed Association Officers shall be:
- Executive Director/Treasurer or an Executive Director and a Treasurer;
- Medical Advisor;
- Legal Advisor;
- Chaplain;
- Parliamentarian; and,
- All Standing Committee Chairpersons. Subsection C: Association Representatives
The Commander and Vice-Commander may also appoint Association Representatives to represent the Association on governmental agencies, commissions and/or as otherwise needed, provided the appointees are Association members. Such appointments do not require approval of the Board of directors. However, the Board of Directors may revoke such appointments upon two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, but only for good and sufficient cause. Association Representatives shall serve at the pleasure of the Commander or Vice-Commander's but only during the Commander's or Vice-Commander's term in office.
Related Sections:
1.5.3 Section 3: Appointed Area Directors Subsection A: Generally
There shall be two (2) Area Directors appointed for each of the fifteen (15) Areas. The Area Directors shall be appointed by a majority of the Board of Directors. Only individuals not less than 18 years of age who are members in good standing of the Association may serve as Area Director. Subsection B: Terms of Office
The Area Directors shall serve two (2) year terms. There shall be no limit on the number or order of appointed terms an Area Director may serve, i.e. s/he may serve for life if s/he continues to be appointed. Area Directors shall take office immediately following the meeting of the Board of Directors.
1.5.4 Section 4: Appointed Area Officers Subsection A: Area Committees and Other Officers
Appointed Area Directors may appoint other area officers, including standing and ad hoc committees, as needed, provided the appointee(s) is/are member(s) of the Association and of the Area. Such appointments do not require approval of the Area Squads. These appointees shall serve at the pleasure of the Director, but only during the Director's term in office.
Related Sections:
1.5.5 Section 5: Board of Directors Subsection A: Composition
This Association shall have a Board of Directors composed of the Commander (both during his term as Commander and for four years following the successful completion of his/her term - a term is not successfully completed if the Commander resigns or is impeached as described in the By-Laws), the Vice-Commander and the Area Directors. Subsection B: Board's Function
It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to conduct all of the business of the Association that must be transacted between the Association's Convention and Annual Meetings; including, but not limited to, all duties, express or implied, in this Constitution and By-Laws.
Related Sections:
1.5.6 Section 6: Standing Committees Subsection A: Generally
There shall exist within this Association Standing Committees as established in the By-Laws. Subsection B: Standing Committee Chairpersons
The Commander and Vice-Commander shall, with the majority approval of the Board of Directors, appoint committee chairpersons, provided that appointed committee chairpersons shall be members of this Association. All standing committee chairpersons are Appointed Association Officers and are subject to the conditions of Appointed Association Officers. Subsection C: Standing Committee Members
The Commander and Vice-Commander shall appoint and remove, at their discretion, the members of each committee. Appointed committee members shall serve one (1) year terms.
Related Sections:
1.5.7 Section 7: Ad Hoc Committees
The Commander and Vice-Commander may appoint as needed, ad hoc committees and committee chairpersons to investigate or consider special problems, suggestions, programs and projects. No approval of the committees or chairpersons is required by the Board of Directors, these committees shall serve entirely at the pleasure of the Commander or Vice-Commander. Unless otherwise directed by the Commander or Vice-Commander, these committees shall serve until they complete their task or the next Convention and Annual Association Meeting, whichever comes first; at which time the Commander or Vice-Commander may continue particular ad hoc committees or reappoint these particular committees at anytime in the future.
Related Sections:
Ad Hoc Committee Meetings1.6.6
1.5.8 Section 8: Association Employees
The Association's Executive Director may employ individuals necessary to support the Association Officers, to manage Association business, maintain Association buildings and grounds and any other positions necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Association, as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.
Related Sections:
1.5.9 Section 9: Remuneration
Remuneration and travel expenses shall be as provided in the By-Laws, Article II, Section 6: Remuneration.
1.5.10 Section 10: Duties
The duties of all officers, governing bodies, employees and committees shall be as provided in the By-Laws, Article II:
Officers and Employees Duties and Remuneration.
1.5.11 Section 11: Removal from Office
Removal of officers shall be as provided for in the By-Laws, Article III: Removal and Succession of Officers and Employees.
1.5.12 Section 12: Succession of Officers
Officer succession shall be as provided for in the By-Laws, Article III: Removal and Succession of Officers and Employees.
1.5.13 Section 13: Disclaimer
Nothing in this Article shall be construed to create an expectation of permanent employment as any Association employee, hired helper, Appointed or Elective Association or Area Officer or committee member.
Related Sections:
Officers, Governing Bodies, Committees and Employees1.5
1.6 ARTICLE VI: Meetings
1.6.1 Section 1: Meeting Rules
All meetings discussed in this Article shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order's latest edition.
1.6.2 Section 2: Association Convention and Annual Meeting Subsection A: Generally
This Association shall have a meeting assembled at least once annually. Subsection B: Site Selection
The Convention and Annual Meeting site shall be selected at least one (1) year in advance of a Convention and Annual Meeting. Site selection shall be made by majority vote of Board of Directors. Subsection C: Convention and Annual Meeting Purpose
The primary function of this meeting shall be the holding of a Business Meeting to discuss the year's activities, business from the Board of Directors and Association committees, amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws, resolutions, business from the floor and any other matters of concern to the Association. Subsection D: Order of Business
The Executive Director shall prepare and publish for distribution to all delegates to this Convention and Annual Meeting a formal Order of Business to be followed during the business Meeting, the adoption of which shall be the first order of business. Subsection E: Voting Eligibility
Voting eligibility of Association members at the Convention and Annual Business Meeting shall be as provided in the By-Laws Article V: voting. Subsection F: Special Meetings
The Commander and Vice-Commander, with majority approval of the Board of Directors, or the Board of Directors, upon two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Board members present and voting at a regularly scheduled Board Meeting, may call additional meetings of the assembly. The Convention and Annual Meeting site shall be selected by the Board of Directors; the date shall be at least 30 days hence, to allow the Executive Director time to notify the Association membership.
Related Sections:
1.6.3 Section 3: Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall meet at a minimum two (2) times per year, with one of these meetings to include the Association's Convention and Annual Meeting. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the Commander or Vice-Commander, or upon written request of a majority of the board members. Any member of the Association shall have the right to address the Board of Directors.
Related Sections:
1.6.4 Section 4: Area Meetings
Area directors may hold meetings at their discretion or within thirty (30) days of a petition by a minimum of ten (10) percent of the area squads.
Related Sections:
1.6.5 Section 5: Standing Committee Meetings
Standing Committees shall meet as required in the By-Laws.
Related Sections:
1.6.6 Section 6: Ad Hoc Committee Meetings
Ad hoc committees shall meet as needed to accomplish the specific task assigned them by the Commander or Vice-Commander. The committee chairperson shall have primary responsibility for selecting meeting dates, times and locations and should make every effort to notify his/her committee members. However, the Commander or Vice-Commander shall not be precluded from calling ad hoc committee meetings.
Related Sections:
Ad Hoc Committees1.5.7By-Laws
1.7 ARTICLE VII: Voting
Voting eligibility shall be as provided in the By-Laws Article V: Voting (2.5).
1.8 ARTICLE VIII: Affiliated Organizations and Functions
1.8.1 Section 1: Auxiliaries Subsection A: Defined
An auxiliary, for purposes of this Association, is a group of individuals, rightfully organized within the law, who, while being an independent organization, is a subsidiary of this Association or of a particular Rescue or EMS Unit and who exists for the main purpose of supporting this Association or that particular Rescue or EMS Unit in the execution of its stated objectives and responsibilities. Such support includes, but is not limited to, fund raising, public relations, training, junior rescue/EMS sponsorship or support, meal functions or any other activity that is not in conflict with the sponsor organization. Subsection B: The Association's Auxiliary
This Association recognizes the North Carolina Association of Rescue and EMS Auxiliary as its auxiliary. Subsection C: Auxiliary Non-recognition
This Association shall not recognize any auxiliary which is in conflict with, or not recognized by, the particular rescue or EMS Unit it is designed to support.
1.8.2 Section 2: Benevolent Brotherhood Subsection A: N. C. Association of Rescue & E.M.S. Benevolent Brotherhood
There shall be established by this Association a fund to be entitled the Benevolent Brotherhood Fund whose purpose it shall be to render financial assistance to the beneficiaries of members of this fund at the time of such member's death. Subsection B: Rules and By-Laws
The Rules and By-Laws of the Benevolent Brotherhood Fund shall be established by a separate set of By-Laws attached to this Constitution and By-Laws. These Benevolent Brotherhood By-Laws are heretofore incorporated by reference into the Association's Constitution and By-Laws.
Related Sections:
See Accompanying Benevolent Brotherhood Rules and By-Laws3.
1.9 ARTICLE IX: Amendments
Proposed amendments to this Constitution shall be presented in writing to the Association Executive Director not less than 45 days before the Convention and Annual Meeting. The Executive Director shall submit a copy of all proposed amendments to the membership not less than 30 days in advance of the opening of the Annual Association Meeting. Prior to the Meeting, the Constitution Committee shall review the amendment(s) and shall provide a recommendation to the Board of Directors and, at the Meeting, to the assembly. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the voting delegates present and voting at the Convention and Annual Meeting shall be required for adoption of the amendment(s).
Related Sections:
1.10 ARTICLE X: Effective Date
This Constitution shall become effective upon ratification.
Amended: November 22, 2019.
Amended: November 22, 2019.
Related Sections:
Effective Date 2.8
Chapter 2 BY-LAWS
2.1 ARTICLE I: Membership
2.1.1 Section 1: Classifications and Requirements of Membership Subsection A: Active Membership
Paragraph 1: Eligibility
The Active Membership of the Association shall include Rescue and EMS squad members operating on a not for profit basis and individuals supporting the objectives of this Association.
Paragraph 2: Dues
Unit and Individual dues shall be set by the Board of Directors. All dues are due and payable on October 1 of each year for the ensuing year. Any squad or individual who is delinquent in payment of dues four (4) months after this due date shall be removed from membership in the Association and must reapply to regain its membership. No dues shall be charged by the Areas.
Paragraph 3: Additional Membership Requirements
In addition to the above stated requirements for membership, the Standards and Training Committee shall establish additional requirements for Active Association Squad Membership. Such requirements shall be aimed at creating uniformity among EMS units and Rescue Squads and may include required equipment, number of members and any other requirements that will enhance the Association or its membership. The Association may accept a single squad into membership as both an EMS and a Rescue unit, providing the requirements for both, as set by the Standards and Training Committee, are met; however, such a squad, serving as both an EMS and a Rescue unit, may only be charged the dues for a single squad and shall be entitled to only one vote at the Convention and Annual Meeting and Area Meetings. Subsection B: Lifetime Membership
The Board of Directors, on the recommendation of the Commander, may recommend to the assembly that Lifetime Membership be conferred on an individual who has rendered conspicuous service to this Association during their time as an Active or Individual Member of the Association. Lifetime Membership requires majority approval of the assembly; voting shall be by secret ballot. No more than three individuals may be granted Lifetime Membership per year. Lifetime Membership carries all the privileges and rights of Active Membership, except voting rights, without the payment of dues. Subsection C: Emeritus Membership
The Board of Directors, upon majority vote, may grant to individuals, firms and/or corporations the designation "Member(s) Emeritus" of the Association for service rendered to member squads, citizens of North Carolina or the Association which embodies, promotes or supports the objectives of this Association. Emeritus Membership shall be for the life of an individual or 20 years for firms and corporations. Subsection D: Associate Membership
Paragraph 1: Eligibility
Associate Membership shall be granted to individuals who support the objectives of this Association, and to Firms and/or corporations engaged in the sale, resale, distribution or manufacture of rescue and/or patient care equipment, provided that such individuals or organizations support the objectives of this Association. By a majority vote of the Board of Directors of the Association, an Associate Member may be removed for failure to support the objectives or goals of the Association. Associate membership carries with it all the privileges and rights as active members, with the exception of voting rights. Membership shall be for one year and may be renewed.
Paragraph 2: Dues
Associate Membership shall be divided into three classes:
- Individual: Dues shall be set by the Board of Directors. Individual Associate Members shall receive a membership card and regular Association publications.
- Resale or Distribution Organizations: Dues shall be set by the Board of Directors. These Associate Members shall receive a membership certificate and regular Association publications.
- Manufacturers: Dues shall be set by the Board of Directors. These Associate Members shall receive a membership certificate and regular Association Publications.
2.1.2 Section 2: Acceptance into Membership
Any individual or organization seeking Active or Associate Membership in the Association shall submit its dues and a membership application (approved by the Membership Committee) to the Executive Director. The Association Executive Director shall approve membership along the guidelines established by the Membership Committee.
2.1.3 Section 3: Removal from Membership
Except as otherwise noted, all forms of membership are good for one year. Membership in the Association may be terminated by the Executive Director if 120 days have passed since the dues became due and payable and they remain unpaid. If the Executive Director has reason to believe that an Association member no longer meets the requirements established by the Constitution and Bylaws or the Standards and Training Committee, then s/he shall refer the matter to the Standards and Training Committee for review. If the Standards and Training Committee upon review finds that the member no longer meets Association membership requirements, then as to Active and Associate Members, they may terminate Association membership; as to Lifetime Members, Emeritus Members and Honorary Members, they may refer their findings to the Advisory Committee for review.
Related Sections:
2.2 ARTICLE II: Officers and Employees Duties and Remuneration
2.2.1 Section 1: The Commander
In addition to the duties and responsibilities of the Commander found in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Commander shall also perform the following functions: s/he shall preside at the Association's Convention and Annual Meeting and Board of Directors meetings. The Commander and Vice-Commander shall determine the Board of Directors meeting dates, times and locations for the coming year at the Convention and Annual Meeting. The Commander or Vice-Commander shall appoint all Committees and all appointed Association Officers and Representatives from the active membership of the Association within 30 days of the Convention and Annual Meeting. S/he shall be an ex-officio non-voting member of all committees. S/he shall also direct requests for mutual aid assistance as needed by Association Squads. S/he shall also perform all duties required by the Board of Directors. Finally, the Commander, with the consent of the Vice-Commander, may, if acting in good faith, act in the name of the Association in all matters of Association business that cannot await a Board of Director's meeting. However, all such actions shall only temporarily bind the Association until the next regularly scheduled Board meeting, at which time the Commander and Vice-Commander shall report their actions to the Board of Directors who may adopt, disavow or modify the Commander and Vice-Commander's actions.
Related Sections:
2.2.2 Section 2: The Vice-Commander
In addition to the duties and responsibilities of the Vice-Commander found in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Vice-Commander shall, in the absence of the Commander, perform all the duties of the Commander's office. The Commander and Vice-Commander shall determine the Board of Directors meeting dates, times and locations for the coming year at the Convention and Annual Meeting. Finally, the Vice-Commander, with the consent of the Commander, may, if acting in good faith, act in the name of the Association in all matters of Association business that cannot await a Board of Director's meeting. However, all such actions shall only temporarily bind the Association until the next regularly scheduled Board meeting, at which time the Commander and Vice-Commander shall report their actions to the Board of Directors who may adopt, disavow or modify the Commander and Vice- Commander's actions.
Related Sections:
2.2.3 Section 3: Appointed Association Officers Subsection A: Executive Director
In addition to the duties and responsibilities of the Executive Director found in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Executive Director shall also perform the following functions: Timely notify the members of the Board of Directors of the times, dates and locations of the Board of Director's meetings; timely notify Association members of the time, dates, location, registration requirements and deadlines for the Convention and Annual Meeting; shall keep a written record of the Association's Annual Business Meeting and all Board of Director's meetings and within 30 days following each meeting, inform the membership of their actions; send out all membership cards; maintain all records required of the squads as to their membership in the Association; maintain and furnish to the Commander records and data pertaining to equipment, manpower and telephone numbers of Association Squads for purposes of mutual aid assistance; and, serve as a central clearing house for all information pertaining to squad activities, new equipment and other related subjects affecting Association membership. The Executive Director shall be an ex-officio non-voting member of all Standing Committees. The Executive Director need not be a member of this Association and may be reimbursed for services or work performed on behalf of the Association as authorized by the Board of Directors. The Executive Director shall keep the Executive Officers and Board of Directors informed of all aspects of the office and shall perform such other duties as may be required of the office.
Related Sections:
Appointed Association Officer 1.5.2By-Laws Subsection B: Treasurer
In addition to the duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer found in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Treasurer shall also perform the following functions. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the Association funds; shall receive all monies due the Association and deposit it in the name of the Association in a bank whose deposits are insured and which is approved by the Board of Directors; shall keep a complete record of the dues received and when next due; shall make all disbursements upon receipt of warrants signed by the proper officers and authorized by this Constitution and By-Laws, the Finance Committee or Board of Directors to be paid; shall keep a detailed and accurate record of all funds received and disbursed by him/her; and, shall prepare and present at the Convention and Annual Meeting, and at such other times as the Board of directors may require, a complete report of the financial condition of the Association. This position shall be bonded for an amount equal to the total involvement of the Association for the previous year plus 10%. All checks issued against Association funds shall require two signatures signed by the Executive Officers or Administrative Staff as approved by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio non-voting member of the Finance Committee. The Treasurer may be reimbursed for services or work performed on behalf of the Association as authorized by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall keep the Commander informed of all aspects of his office and shall perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of his/her office.
Related Sections:
Appointed Association Officers 1.5.2By-Laws Subsection C: Executive Director/Treasurer
The Board may, at its discretion, appoint a single individual to perform the functions of both the Executive Director and the Treasurer. In this event, this individual shall be an ex-officio non-voting member of all Standing Committees.
Related Sections:
Appointed Association Officers 1.5.2By-Laws Subsection D: Medical Advisor
The Medical Advisor shall be available to answer questions of medical practice and procedure as put to him by the Commander or Board of Directors in areas affecting rescue and EMS service. The Medical Advisor need not be a member of this Association; however, s/he shall, at all times during which s/he holds office, be licensed to practice medicine within the State of North Carolina.
Related Sections:
Appointed Association Officers 1.5.2By-Laws Subsection E: Legal Advisor
The Legal Advisor need not be a member of this Association; however, s/he shall, at all times during which s/he holds office, be licensed to practice law within the State of North Carolina. The Legal Advisor shall be available to answer questions of law and procedure as requested by the Commander or Board of Directors and draft documents as required by the Association. The Legal Advisor may be reimbursed for services given or work performed on behalf of the Association for which other attorneys would usually charge, provided that such disbursement is authorized by the Board of Directors prior to requesting the work.
Related Sections:
Appointed Association Officers 1.5.2By-Laws Subsection F: Chaplain
The Chaplain shall answer questions of religious practice and policy as put to him by the Commander and perform such other services as the Commander may require. The Chaplain need not be a member of this Association.
Related Sections:
Appointed Association Officers 1.5.2By- Laws Subsection G: Parliamentarian
The Parliamentarian shall seek to enforce order at all Directors meetings of this Association and answer questions, as put to him/her by the Association membership regarding issues of parliamentary procedure and Robert's Rules of Order. The Parliamentarian may be called upon at any time by an Association member or officer for advice.
Related Sections:
By-Laws Subsection H: Standing Committee Chairpersons
Standing Committee Chairpersons shall seek to faithfully perform the duties assigned their respective committees by the Commander, Vice-Commander, Board of Directors and this Constitution and By-Laws.
Related Sections:
2.2.4 Section 4: Appointed Area Directors
In addition to any other duties and responsibilities of the Area Directors found in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Area Directors shall act as coordinators and liaison officers between their respective areas and the Association Board of Directors. The Area Directors shall determine the locations, dates and times of Area Meetings.
Related Sections:
2.2.5 Section 5: Employees
Association employees shall have such duties and responsibilities as bestowed on them by the Commander, Vice-Commander, Board of Directors and their supervisor(s).
Related Sections:
Association Employees 1.5.8By-Laws
2.2.6 Section 6: Remuneration
Except for the Executive Director, Treasurer, Legal Advisor and employees, all Officers shall serve without any remuneration, except for expenses actually incurred in the performance of the duty of their office. The Commander and Vice-Commander shall have their travel expenses paid by the Association while traveling within the state on Association business and they may hire individuals to assist them with their duties. Other officers, including Association or Area and elective or appointed, shall have their travel expenses paid by the Association while traveling within the state on Association business if directed to do so by the Commander or Vice-Commander. Approval by the Commander or Vice-Commander shall not be required for reimbursement of travel expenses by appointed area officers for travel unless reimbursement is sought from Association general funds. All travel expenses and expenses for additional help sought from the Association's general funds must be approved by the Finance Committee prior to disbursement by the Treasurer. Out-of-state travel expenses may be reimbursed if pre-approved by the Board of Directors upon majority vote.
2.3 ARTICLE III: Removal and Succession of Officers and Employees
2.3.1 Section 1: The Commander and Vice-Commander Subsection A: Generally
The Commander and Vice-Commander may prematurely leave office by:
- Resignation; or,
- Leave of Absence; or,
- Impeachment; or,
- The Vice-Commander's succession to the Office of Commander. Subsection B: Resignation
To resign from office, the Commander or Vice-Commander shall tender his/her resignation to the Personnel Committee Chairperson. The Personnel Chair shall meet with his committee and report to the Board of Directors at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting on the reasons for the resignation and recommend acceptance or rejection of the resignation. Where appropriate, the Chair may recommend a Leave of Absence for the officer. The Board of Directors shall take action by majority vote. Subsection C: Leave of Absence
The Commander or Vice-Commander may request a Leave of Absence from the Board of Directors at a regularly scheduled meeting. The Board of Directors may also consider a Leave of Absence in lieu of accepting an officer's resignation. A Leave of Absence shall be granted upon majority vote of the Board; but, shall not exceed four (4) months. Subsection D: Impeachment
Paragraph 1: Grounds
The Commander and/or Vice-Commander may be impeached by the Board of Directors for transgressions including, but not limited to, conviction of a serious criminal act, misappropriation of Association funds, dereliction of duty, acts or activities unbecoming their office or the Association, failure to perform their duties, failure to comply with disciplinary actions taken by the Board against them, failure to uphold this Constitution and By-Laws.
Paragraph 2: Impeachment Proceedings
Any member of the Board of Directors may move to impeach the Commander and/or Vice-Commander. After the motion has been moved and seconded, the moving Board member shall be given an opportunity to state the reasons for impeachment and s/he may present witnesses and offer evidence. The Commander or Vice-Commander and other Board Members shall be given an opportunity to question witnesses and the evidence presented. Following the presentation by the moving Board member, the Commander or Vice-Commander shall be given an opportunity to offer explanations, witnesses, evidence, etc. However, the Board may question him/her about the charges against them and any evidence presented. Finally, the moving Board member shall be given an opportunity to rebut the officer's witnesses and evidence, provided his/her rebuttal presentation does not merely re-state the evidence already presented. Following presentation of all the evidence, the Board may discuss the impeachment in three (3) rounds of debate (five (5) minutes pro and five (5) minutes con per round) as provided for in Robert's Rules of Order. Before the Board votes, the moving Board member and the officer facing impeachment shall each be given five (5) minutes to summarize their cases. The officer shall be impeached upon 2/3 majority vote by secret ballot of the Board of Directors present and voting at a regularly scheduled Board Meeting.
Paragraph 3: Presiding Officer and Postponement
The Chairperson of the Personnel Committee shall preside over the impeachment hearing. The Board member moving for impeachment or the officer facing impeachment may request that consideration of the matter be postponed until the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting. The Personnel Committee Chairperson may grant this request for good and sufficient cause. However, the Board may, upon 1/3 approval, grant a request denied by the Personnel Committee Chairperson. The Board may also postpone consideration of the impeachment until the next regularly scheduled Board of Directors Meeting upon its own motion. Impeachment may only be postponed once. The impeachment may be referred to one or more committees for consideration or recommendation during the period of postponement; however, no action by any committee shall bind the Board.
Paragraph 4: Failure of the Commander/Vice-Commander to be Present
If the Commander or Vice-Commander is not present when a motion to impeach is made, then consideration of the motion shall immediately be postponed until the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. During the interval of postponement, the Executive Director shall notify the officer against whom the motion was made by certified letter of the motion, the moving Board member, the alleged reasons for impeachment and the date and location of the next regularly scheduled Board meeting at least 30 days prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting. If the officer fails to appear at the next regularly scheduled meeting, the impeachment may proceed in his/her absence upon majority vote of the Board members present and voting. If the moving party fails to appear at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting, then the motion to impeach shall be deemed to have been withdrawn.
Paragraph 5: Effect of Impeachment
Upon a proper and favorable vote for impeachment, the officer shall immediately be removed from office. The rules describing succession to his/her office shall take effect and a successor named. Subsection E: Commander Succession
If the Commander leaves office for any of the above reasons, then the Vice-Commander shall serve as Interim Commander for the duration of the unexpired term or until the Commander's Leave of Absence expires, whichever comes first. Upon succession to Commander, the Vice-Commander's position shall be filled as described in Subsection F of this Section. If, however, the Commander returns to his office prior to the expiration of his term, the Interim Commander shall resume his/her duties as Vice-Commander. The Vice-Commander's service as Interim Commander shall not count as consecutive years for purposes of ARTICLE V, Section 1, Subsection B of the Constitution. Subsection F: Vice-Commander Succession
If the Vice-Commander leaves office for any of the above reasons, then the Board of Directors shall elect one of its members, by majority vote, to serve as Interim Vice-Commander for the duration of the unexpired term, or until the Vice-Commander's Leave of Absence expires, whichever comes first. An Interim Vice-Commander may serve simultaneously as Area Director, unless it appears at the time s/he is first named as interim Vice-Commander that s/he will be called upon to serve as Interim Vice- Commander for a period exceeding 12 months. If, under this rule, the individual must leave his Area Directorship, then his replacement shall be named as provided for in Succession to the Area Director. However, if the true Vice-Commander shall return to office prior to the expiration of the Interim Vice-Commander's Area term, the Interim Vice-Commander shall re-claim his Area Directorship for the remainder of his unexpired term. The Interim Vice-Commander's service shall not count as consecutive years for purposes of ARTICLE V, Section 1, Subsection B of the Constitution.
Related Sections:
By- Laws
2.3.2 Section 2: Appointed Association Officers Subsection A: Generally
Appointed Association Officers may prematurely leave office by reason of:
- Resignation; or,
- Leave of Absence; or,
- Commander's withdrawal of appointment; or,
- Board of Director's withdrawal of approval. Subsection B: Resignation
Appointed Association Officers may voluntarily leave office by tendering their resignation to the Commander who shall either accept or reject it. In lieu of the resignation, the Commander may grant the officer a Leave of Absence. The Commander shall immediately notify the Board of Directors. Subsection C: Leave of Absence
The Commander may grant the appointed officer a Leave of Absence upon his/her request. The Leave of Absence need not be of limited duration. The Commander shall immediately notify the Board of Directors. Subsection D: Withdrawal of Appointment or Approval
All appointed Association Officers may be removed from office by the Commander withdrawing the appointment. The Board of Directors need not be consulted. The Board of Directors may remove an appointed officer from office by withdrawing its approval of the Commander's appointment by majority vote at a regularly scheduled Board Meeting.
The Executive Director may be removed from office by the Board of Directors withdrawing it's appointment by 2/3 vote at a regularly scheduled or special Board meeting. Subsection E: Succession of Appointed Association Officers
If any Appointed Association Officer leaves office for any of the above reasons, the Commander and the Vice-Commander shall, within 30 days, make a new appointment which shall be tentative until approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors at the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting. The new appointee shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term; or, in the event of a Leave of Absence, until the Leave of Absence lapses. An appointed officer returning from a Leave of Absence need not be re-approved by the Board of Directors unless s/he returns after the expiration of their term.
Related Sections:
Appointed Association Officers 1.5.2By-Laws
2.3.3 Section 3: Board of Director Members Subsection A: Commander and Vice-Commander
The Commander and Vice-Commander may only be removed from the Board of Directors through the provisions of Section 1 of this Article. However, this does not preclude the Board of Directors from taking disciplinary action against the Commander or Vice-Commander. Subsection B: Past Commanders
Past Commanders, eligible to serve and serving on the Board of Directors, may be removed from the Board of Directors on motion of the Commander or Vice-Commander and 2/3 approval of the Board of Directors for reasons including, but not limited to failure to attend two (2) consecutive Board of Directors Meetings without good and sufficient reason, failure to comply with disciplinary actions taken by the Board against them, or failure to uphold this Constitution and By-Laws. Subsection C: Area Directors
Any Area Director failing to perform their area functions; without good and sufficient reason, may be removed from the Board of Directors on motion of the Commander or Vice-Commander and 2/3 approval of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may grant an Area Director a Leave of Absence or accept an Area Director's resignation from the Board of Directors upon majority vote.
Related Sections:
2.3.4 Section 4: Appointed Area Directors Subsection A: Generally
An Appointed Area Director may prematurely leave office by reason of:
- Resignation; or,
- An Area Director's removal from the Board of Directors; or,
- Being named as Interim Vice-Commander for a period expected to exceed 12 months. Subsection B: Resignation
Appointed Area Directors may tender their resignation to the Commander or Vice-Commander. An Appointed Area Director who has failed to attend two (2) consecutive Board of Directors Meetings without good and sufficient cause shall be deemed to have tendered his/her resignation to the Board of Directors. Subsection C: Removal from the Board of Directors
If an Area Director is removed from the Board of Directors as provided in Section 3, Subsection C of this Article s/he shall cease to be an Area Director in his/her Area. Subsection D: Being Named As Interim Vice-Commander
An Area Director, named as Interim Vice-Commander, as provided in Section 1, Subsection F of this Article, for a period expected to exceed 12 months shall be removed from the office of Area Director and succeeded as described below. However, if the true Vice-Commander shall return to office prior to the expiration of the Interim Vice-Commander's Area term, the Interim Vice-Commander shall re-claim their Area Directorship for the remainder of the unexpired term. Subsection E: Succession of Area Directors
An Area Director who prematurely leaves office for any of the above reasons, shall be replaced by the Commander or Vice-Commander. A new director will be Appointed at the next regularly scheduled Board of Directors Meeting. The Director shall serve the remainder of the departed Director's unexpired term.
Related Sections:
2.3.5 Section 5: Committee Members and Association Representatives
Committee Members and Association Representatives may resign, be granted Leaves of Absence or terminated at the discretion of the Commander or Vice-Commander. If necessary, the Commander or Vice-Commander shall fill these vacancies as soon as possible. Additionally, Association Representatives may have their appointments revoked as provided for in Article V, Section 2, Subsection C of the Constitution.
Related Sections:
2.3.6 Section 6: Illness, Injury or Death of an Officer
In the event any officer listed above is stricken with a illness or injury and unable to perform the duties of his/her office, then the succession provisions listed above shall immediately take effect. However, upon recovery, the officer shall be reinstated to his/her original office, provided his/her term has not expired. In the event of the death of any officer listed above, the succession provisions listed above shall immediately take effect and remain in effect for the remainder of the unexpired term.
2.3.7 Section 7: Association Employees
All matters pertaining to employees shall be defined by the Association's Personnel Policy.
Related Sections:
Association Employees 1.5.8By-Laws
2.4 ARTICLE IV: Standing Committee Duties
2.4.1 Section 1: Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee shall consist of ten (10) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Advisory Committee shall review and/or recommend policy changes affecting any Association activity, office, officer or employee; offer advice to the Board of Directors and any Association Officer or committee upon request; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
Related Sections:
2.4.2 Section 2: Finance Committee
The Finance Committee shall consist of ten (10) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Finance Committee shall prepare a budget to govern the expenses of the Association for the year following the Convention and Annual Meeting (this budget shall be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors and presented to the assembly by the Finance Chairperson); explore and implement ways of raising funds for the Association; approve all travel expenses and expenses for additional help prior to disbursement by the Treasurer, if appropriate; develop guidelines by which such disbursements may be made by the Treasurer; provide a recommendation on all matters concerning employee salaries, including raises and cuts, to the Board of Directors who shall make all final salary decisions by majority vote; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
Related Sections:
Appointed Association Officers 1.5.2By-Laws
2.4.3 Section 3: Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee and Chairperson shall be appointed annually at the Convention and Annual Meeting by the Board of Directors and shall consist of one (1) director from Areas 1-8 and (1) director from Areas 9-15, one (1) representative from Areas 1-8, one representative from Areas 9-15, one (1) member at large and the Executive Director who shall be ex-officio non voting member. All appointments are for two years, except the member at large which shall be a one year appointment. The Personnel Committee shall prepare a job description for the position of Executive Director and when hiring shall interview qualified candidates, prepare a proposed contract and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors on the most qualified candidate for the position of Executive Director. The chairperson shall immediately notify the Executive Officers and Board of Directors on the hiring, firing, resignation or leave of absence of any employee. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and Bylaws, the Personnel Committee shall also prepare and maintain a Personnel Manual for the Association; meet at least once annually and as needed to consider changes in the Manual; make recommendations to the Board of Directors and other Association bodies on issues involving employees; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, shall perform such other duties as the Board of Directors may require of it.
Related Sections:
Association Employees 1.5.8By-Laws
2.4.4 Section 4: Credentials Committee
The Credentials Committee shall consist of four (4) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet at the Convention and Annual Meeting prior to the opening of the first session of the Business Meeting or as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Credentials Committee shall also verify the credentials of each voting delegate to the Convention and Annual Meeting and certify his/her right(s) to vote during the Business Meeting; draft, for majority approval of the Board of Directors, and publish campaign requirements for candidates for Association Office; review the qualifications of candidates for Association Office at the Convention and Annual Meeting and report their findings to the assembly; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, shall perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
Related Sections:
2.4.5 Section 5: Constitution Committee
The Constitution Committee shall consist of four (4) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members and shall meet at least once yearly and as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and Bylaws, the Constitution Committee shall also review the Association's Constitution and these Bylaws to consider the need for amendments to clarify or update them, at their required meeting; review any amendment(s) submitted by the Association membership to determine their timeliness and impact of the Constitution and Bylaws prior to the Convention and Annual Meeting; provide a recommendation to the Board of Directors and to the assembly on such amendment(s); and interpret the Constitution and these Bylaws. Upon written request, the Committee shall give a written interpretation of the provisions of this Constitution and Bylaws which shall be filed by the Executive Director for future reference. Written interpretations by the Constitution Committee shall be binding and may only be changed by the Constitution Committee or Amendment. The Constitution Committee shall keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
Related Sections:
2.4.6 Section 6: Rescue Competition Committee
The Rescue Competition Committee shall consist of four (4) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and Bylaws, the Rescue Competition Committee shall also serve as liaison between the Association and the North Carolina Department of Insurance Fire and Rescue Services Division, or its successor, for the purpose of sponsoring an annual competition between Association squads involving rescue techniques; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, shall perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
Related Sections:
2.4.7 Section 7: BLS Competition Committee
The BLS Competition Committee shall consist of four (4) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and Bylaws, the BLS Competition Committee shall also serve as liaison between the Association and the North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services, or its successor, for the purpose of sponsoring an annual competition between Association squads involving patient care techniques; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and,shall perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
Related Sections:
2.4.8 Section 8: Standards and Training Committee
The Standards and Training Committee Shall Consist of a minimum of eight (8) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Standards and Training committee shall establish additional requirements for active unit membership, monitor, develop and recommend standard and training programs affecting members of the Association and keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and perform such other duties as the Commander and or Board of Directors may require of it.
Related Sections:
Officers, Governing Bodies, Committees and Employees 1.5
Appointed Association Officers 1.5.2Standing Committees 1.5.6Meetings 1.6
Officers and Employees Duties and Remuneration 2.2
2.4.9 Section 9: Convention Committee
The Convention Committee shall consist of a minimum of three (3) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties bestowed on this committee in the Associations Constitution and By-Laws, the Convention Committee shall plan, develop, and co-ordinate all activities related to the Association Annual Meeting and Convention, and keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and perform such other duties as the Commander and/or the Board of Directors may require of it.
Related Sections:
Officers, Governing Bodies, Committees and Employees 1.5
Appointed Association Officers 1.5.2Standing Committees 1.5.6Meetings 1.6
Officers and Employees Duties and Remuneration 2.2
2.5 ARTICLE V: Voting
2.5.1 Section 1: Active Members
Association Squads, and individual squad members serving within that squad, shall have one vote per squad at the Convention and Annual Meeting and Area Meeting. Each squad shall designate a delegate to cast its vote at the Convention and Annual Meeting.
2.5.2 Section 2: Lifetime Members
Lifetime Members shall have no voting rights.
2.5.3 Section 3: Emeritus, Associate and Honorary Membership
Emeritus, Associate and Honorary Membership conveys no office holding or voting rights.
2.5.4 Section 4: Commander, Vice-Commander and Committee Chairpersons
The Commander, Vice-Commander and other Chairpersons shall have no vote at meetings in which they preside. A tie vote by eligible voters defeats the issue in question; however, in the event of a tie, the Commander, Vice-Commander or other Chairperson may, at their discretion, cast a vote in favor of the issue in question.
2.5.5 Section 5: Board of Director's Meetings
Only Board members shall be allowed to vote. Each member of the Board, with the exception of the presiding officer, shall have one (1) vote. Fifty percent (50%) of the Board members present and voting at a Board Meeting shall constitute a quorum.
2.5.6 Section 6: Appointed Association Officers Subsection A: Convention and Annual Meetings, Board of Directors Meetings, and Area Meetings
Appointed Association officers shall not be afforded a vote at the Convention and Annual Association Meeting, at Board of Directors Meetings, or at Area Meetings, based solely on their appointed position. Subsection B: Committee Meetings
If active members of this Association, Appointed Association Officers may be appointed to committees and/or committee chairpersons, with full voting rights, of any Association committee, provided they are not otherwise prohibited from serving and voting in such position(s) by this Constitution and By-Laws.
2.5.7 Section 7: Area Meetings Subsection A: Area Squads
Area squads shall vote as described under the section on Active Members. Subsection B: Area Directors
The Area Directors shall vote only if they are the sole representative of their squad or are individual members without a squad. A tie vote by eligible voters defeats the issue in question; however, in the event of a tie, the Area Director actually conducting the vote may, at his/her discretion, cast a vote in favor of the issue in question. Subsection C: Appointed Area Officers
Appointed Area Officers shall not be afforded a vote at Area Meetings based solely on their appointed position.
2.6 ARTICLE VI: Administrative Procedures
The Board of Directors may, by majority approval, adopt administrative procedures that clarify and/or supplement this Constitution and By-Laws, provided such procedures do not modify this Constitution and By-Laws. The Board of Directors may, by majority approval, also adopt a system of office policies, practices, procedures and disciplinary actions to govern its membership, provided such does not conflict with this Constitution and By-Laws.
2.7 ARTICLE VII: Amendments to the By-Laws
Proposed amendments to these Bylaws shall be presented in writing to the Association Executive Director not less than 45 days before the Convention and Annual Meeting. The Executive Director shall submit a copy of all proposed amendments to the membership not less than 30 days in advance of the opening of the Convention and Annual Association Meeting. Prior to the Convention and Annual Meeting, the Constitution Committee shall review the amendment(s) and shall provide a recommendation to the Board of Directors and, at the Convention and Annual Meeting, to the assembly. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the voting delegates present and voting at the Convention and Annual Meeting shall be required for adoption of the amendment.
Related Sections:
Amendments 1.9By-Laws
2.8 ARTICLE VIII: Effective Date
These By-Laws shall become effective upon ratification.
Related Sections:
Effective Date 1.10
Amended: August 28, 2015
Pursuant to action taken by the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services, Inc., there is established a Benevolent Brotherhood Fund to be known as "The North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services Benevolent Brotherhood."
3.1 ARTICLE I (Name)
North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services Benevolent Brotherhood.
3.2 ARTICLE II (Purpose)
The purpose of the Benevolent Brotherhood is to render financial aid to the beneficiary, who at the time of his/her death, is in good standing as a member of the Benevolent Brotherhood.
3.3 ARTICLE III (Membership)
To qualify for membership in this Brotherhood, the person applying shall be a member or an official of a rescue squad that is affiliated with or a subsidiary of the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services, Inc., and the person applying must be a member of the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services, Inc.
3.3.1 Section 1
Membership in the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services Benevolent Brotherhood shall be available to all present members and/or officers of rescue squads that are affiliated with or subsidiaries of the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services, Inc. A member must join the Benevolent Brotherhood before they reach their sixty-fifth (65) birthday. (Approved 9-20-02)
3.3.2 Section 2
Applicants for membership in the Benevolent Brotherhood shall be in good health.
3.4 ARTICLE IV (Board of Directors)
The Directors of the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services, Inc., the Commander, Vice-Commander, and Executive Director-Treasurer shall constitute the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Association of Rescue and EMS Benevolent Brotherhood.
The Board of Directors shall meet annually at the regular conference of the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services, Inc. The Commander shall be Chairman, the Vice-Commander shall be Vice-Chairman, and the Executive Director-Treasurer shall be appointed by the Commander with the approval of the Board of Directors.
The Chairman may call special meetings of the Board of Directors whenever he deems it necessary.
3.5 ARTICLE V (Officers' Duties)
The Commander shall preside at all meetings. In the absence of the Commander, the Vice-Commander shall preside.
The Executive Director-Treasurer will be responsible for making a financial record of all transactions of the Benevolent Brotherhood, and shall make a report of the same at any regular or called meeting.
Upon receipt of proof of death (Death Certificate) of a member of this Benevolent Brotherhood (which may be from any cause, except that no benefits are to be paid in the event of death by suicide unless the deceased has been a member of the Benevolent Brotherhood for a period of two (2) years or longer), the Executive Director-Treasurer shall pay to the beneficiaries designated by the deceased member, the amounts as specified in these bylaws.
All checks against funds require two signatures signed by the Executive Officers or Administrative Staff as approved by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors has the authority to require a bond of these persons signing checks or handling funds.
3.6 ARTICLE VI (Dues)
Each member shall pay to the Treasurer four (4) dollars ($4.00) as the initial payment with application for membership and one (1) dollar ($1.00) upon the death of a member of the Benevolent Brotherhood.
Each member shall pay additional assessments of one (1) dollar ($1.00) each to cover the operating expenses of the Benevolent Brotherhood. The number of operating expense assessments needed to cover the operating expenses will be determined by the Board of Directors.
The Chief or Captain of each squad shall appoint a member to receive collections from each Benevolent Brotherhood member when notified of a member's death. The Collector shall forward the collections, along with a complete report, to the Executive Director-Treasurer of the Benevolent Brotherhood within a period of thirty (30) days after the date of the assessment. The squad is responsible for all collections, notifications of members regarding delinquency and cancellations of membership.
3.8 ARTICLE VIII (Disbursements)
3.8.1 Section 1
The Officers and Directors shall require the Executive Director-Treasurer to pay the beneficiary of a deceased member of the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services Benevolent Brotherhood the amount as specified in the following schedule:
Membership size
Benefit amount
500 members
$ 250.00
1000 members
1500 members
$ 1,000.00
2000 members
$ 1,500.00
2500 members
$ 2,000.00
3000 members
$ 2,500.00
3500 members
$ 3,000.00
4000 members
$ 3,500.00
4500 members
$ 4,000.00
5000 members
$ 4,500.00
6000 members
$ 5,000.00
7000 members
$ 6,000.00
8000 members
$ 7,000.00
9000 members
$ 8,000.00
10,000 members
$ 9,000.00
11,000 members
$ 10,000.00
3.8.2 Section 2
The Benevolent Brotherhood shall furnish an Association flag for the graveside services or for the family, when requested by the deceased member's family.
3.9 ARTICLE IX (Delinquents)
Any member who fails to pay within a period of sixty (60) days after the member and/or squad has been properly notified by letter from the Executive Director, shall forfeit membership in the Benevolent Brotherhood.
3.10 ARTICLE X (Expulsion)
Any member who is dismissed from his or her squad for not complying with the Constitution and Bylaws and/or the general rules of the squad or for any other reason, shall immediately forfeit membership in the Benevolent Brotherhood.
3.11 ARTICLE XI (Individual Membership)
Any member may retain membership in the Benevolent Brotherhood if he or she resigns or is retired from the squad for reasons other than those described in Article X, and is in good standing in the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services, Inc., retains good moral habits, keeps the Executive Director informed of his or her correct address, pays all assessments properly, gives full moral support to all squad personnel and rescue squads at all times.
All Individual Brotherhood Members are required to pay thirty dollars ($30.00) in advance, to be used as assessments and dues occur. Once the thirty dollars ($30.00) is used up, the Executive Director will bill the Individual Member for another thirty dollars ($30.00).
3.12 ARTICLE XII (Amendments)
These Rules and Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services, Inc. Benevolent Brotherhood, providing the amendment is presented in writing to the Executive Director fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting in which the vote is to be taken.
3.13 ARTICLE XIII (Expenses)
Membership of the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services, Inc. Benevolent Brotherhood shall finance the necessary expenses incurred in operating this fund.
3.14 ARTICLE XIV (Pre-existing Conditions)
The North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services, Inc. will pay no claim for:
- 1. Results from a pre-existing condition, and which commences within two (2) years of application date. (A pre-existing condition is one that was diagnosed or treated by a doctor within five (5) years prior to the application date).
- 2. The existence of symptoms which would cause an ordinarily prudent person to seek diagnosis, care or treatment within the five (5) year period prior to the application date.
3.15 ARTICLE XV (Disclaimer)
Nothing in these Bylaws shall be construed to create an expectation that such benefits payable by this Brotherhood are insurance benefits. Such benefits are not insurance benefits and are not subject to the jurisdiction and supervision of the Department of Insurance.
The following guidelines were developed with the idea to help promote good public relations, and to also help inform State officials of Mutual Aid in rescue operations throughout the State of North Carolina.
The following information is intended to be used as a guideline by those agencies directly and indirectly involved in providing fire, rescue, and emergency medical services resources in fulfilling their responsibilities as identified in the State Comprehensive Emergency Plan.
It is hoped that this document will clarify and identify lines of communication and command procedures that interface with existing procedures by other agencies. The procedures within follow these guidelines universally recognized and are in some stages of implementation by Fire, Rescue and Emergency Medical Services within the State of North Carolina.
- Upon initial notification of SERT activity, the Association may be notified by any of the following agencies of any necessary resources requested; NC Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM). Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS), or NC Division of Emergency Management (NCEM) Operations. The requesting agency will advise all pertinent information regarding the resource request that may include any of the following: name of IC, reporting location, communication channels to be used, appropriate contact information of the requesting agency, etc., and be advised of the individual in charge.
- All resource requests to the Association will be handled through the designated individual from OSFM, OEMS, or NCEM Operations.
- The Association shall notify, obtain, and organize requested equipment and notify the designated contact person with OSFM, OEMS, or NCEM Operations of the location of the resource, the individual in charge, and any pertinent information shared by the resource.
- All Area Directors are to assist the Association Office in securing the resources requested and report to the Association office the names and certification of all individuals and the name and number of all vehicles. The Association will then notify the State EOC of this information and the movement of resources can be authorized If possible, the individual squads should notify the appropriate individual in their county who should be aware of movement of resources from the county.
- If provisions for fuel, food, lodging and support needs cannot be authorized, Association resources will not be requested or authorized by EOC.
- Any resources responding, without documented authorization by the Association, will be returned and no support provided.
- The location of the particular Staging Areas will be determined by Command based on known and predictable conditions. Locations will provide flexibility of movement and ease in providing support needs to units being held at staging.
- In the initial planning for the location of SERT Staging Areas, Command should include all appropriate state agencies. Staging Areas will not be established until availability of fuel, food and other support equipment at no cost, can be finalized.
- The Staging Areas' managers will be provided with a list of expected agencies' units, personnel, and the estimated arrival time of authorized resources. Any unauthorized units and/or personnel will be returned to their respective locations and no support provided.
- All fuel, food, supplies, and other support equipment used by the authorized resource must be documented and this documentation forwarded to F/R-OEMS Operations by F/R-OEMS field units. Command and the appropriate requesting agencies to include OSFM, OEMS, and NCEM is to be included in the incident documentation and for any possible reimbursements.
- Information relayed to Field Units from OSFM, OEMS, or NCEM Operations shall be passed on to resources located in Staging Areas by hourly briefings.
- All units must report to designated Staging Areas for debriefing prior to return and termination of all operations. All movement must be documented by Field Units and forwarded to F/R-OEMS Operations.
- No Staging Areas shall be terminated or equipment released unless authorized by OSFM, OEMS, or NCEM Operations.
- Any agency, county or local mutual aid agreements activated prior to or during SERT Operations shall be the responsibility of those requesting agencies and to not fall under the support responsibilities of OSFM, OEMS, or NCEM Operations.
Chapter 5 Directory
Bus Phone
Personal Phone
Baddour, Phillip
PO Box 916, Goldsboro, NC 27533
919 735-7275
919 734-3917
Beaver, Alexander
1501 S Main St, Graham NC 27253
336 343-8733
Billig, Tom
467 Fern Hill Rd, Troutman, NC 28166
704 506-8617
Blackwelder, Wesley E.
16 Midway Park Ln, Taylorsville, NC 28681
828 455-8034
Bradshaw, Jerry
216 King Rd, Clinton, NC 28328-8715
910 533-2252
Bryant, Michael
1020 Harrison Ln, Williamston, NC 27892
252 729-5358
Butts, Stormy T.
259 Rooks Rd, Gates, NC 29737
252 357-0388
252 331-3417
Cline, Christopher Jason
207 Fred Pugh Rd, Crumpler, NC 28617
276 608-7178
Cornelison, Jerry
PO Box 240, Bunn Level, NC 28328
919 776-5601
Faircloth, Joel
PO Box 505, Salemburg, NC 28385
919 736-0506
910 525-0385
Flood, Landon
2270 Headwater Ln Apt 301, Graham NC 27253
Foster, Greg
PO Box 1423, Taylorsville, NC 28681
828 632-1737
828 217-1151
Foxx, William Terry
145 Midway Park Ln, Taylorsville, NC 28681-9981
828 632-2755
Gordon, Kevin
1310 Stoney Point Rd, Shelby, NC 28150
980 435-3282
Haddock, Eddie
PO Box 27, Princeton, NC 27569-0027
919 936-1981
Haddock, Kim
PO Box 27, Princeton, NC 27569-0027
919 936-1981
Harris, Hank
4451 Calico St, Hope Mills NC 28348
910 425-9385
910 309-1233
Hedgepeth, Carnie
1882 Fishpond Rd, Farmville, NC 27828
252 296-6356
Henderson, Bill
2449 S Jim Minor Rd, Mebane, NC 27302-9185
336 578-5988
Hinshaw, Jeff
1201 Emerald St, Yadkinville, NC 27055-7833
336 716-4625
336 679-6443
Hogue, Kenneth
8374 Unity Church Rd, Denver, NC 28037
704 634-9935
Ivey Jr., Robert Dewey
174 Olan Dr, Lumberton, NC 28360
910 740-3383
Jacobs, Christopher W.
2044 Stamey Rd, Hudson, NC 28638
Joyner, Gordon A.
683 S Bentonville Rd, Four Oaks, NC 27524-8860
919 736-0506
919 705-3851
Joyner, Ricky E.
275 Manley Grove Ch Rd, Mount Olive, NC 28365-6961
919 689-9555
Kornegay Jr, Dr Hervy
102 Hyde Park Dr, Goldsboro, NC 27530
Lancaster, Lorrie
561 New Warehouse Rd, Tabor City NC 28463
910 234-2516
Lunsford, Benjamin
4 Rosebank Court, Greensboro, NC 27407
336 905-7911
828 775-3942
Mancos, Joe
340 W New England Ave, Pinebluff, NC 27373
910 947-6500
910 281-5205
Matthis, Gene
1599 Chancey Rd, Clinton, NC 28328
910 990-4592
Mauney, Christopher Allen
4259 Bass Mountain Rd, Snow Camp, NC 27349
919 666-3044
336 264-4767
Mauney, William C.
4259 Bass Mountain Rd, Snow Camp, NC 27349
336 266-0420 (cell)
336 376-3589
McCaskill, L. Scott
1104 Black Rd, Thomasville, NC 27360-6012
336 905-0609
Miller, Steven
2829 Cornell Ct, LaGrange, NC 28551
Norris, Darren
PO Box 441, Tabor City NC 28463
910 625-8674
Nowell, Paul
408 Holmes St, Weldon, NC 27890
252 532-3177
Oliver, Butch
1125 N White Post Rd, Pinetown, NC 27865
252 944-7346
252 927-2121
Pease, David
PO Box 10, Garner, NC 27529-0010
919 291-6201
Pennell, Tim H.
1931 Dover Church Rd, Taylorsville, NC 28681-7036
828 632-0162
828 632-9809
Pippin Jr., John L.
194 Old Black Creek Rd, Fremont, NC 27830
919 242-6481
Poe, Debra
PO Box 672, Jefferson, NC 28640-0672
336 246-2768
336 246-3215
Poe, Robert G.
PO Box 672, Jefferson, NC 28640-0672
336 246-2768
336 246-3215
Shumate, Josh
504 Applecross Dr, Mebane, NC 27302
919 824-4622
Skinner, Randy
236 Riverwood Dr, Hertford, NC 27944
252 426-1846
Smith, Mac
1337 Waters End Ct., Wilmington, NC 28479
910 470-0423
Sparks, Billy
965 Rock Spring Dr, Winston-Salem, NC 27105
336 741-7073
336 767-1315
Stamey, David
PO Box 1013, Clyde, NC 28727-1013
828 646-2554
828 627-1112
Twomey, Robert D.
PO Box 53, Cedar Mountain, NC 28718-0053
828 884-3230
828 884-7174
Warrick, Ronnie
2303 Memorial Church Rd, Kenly, NC 27542-8807
919 242-5005
Whitlock, Dale
191 Glazener Rd, Brevard, NC 28712
828 553-1775
Whitman, Charles Gary
318 Clubhouse Dr, Dunn, NC 28334
910 892-1211
910 892-8558
- Commander: Josh Shumate
- Chairman:
- Vice-Commander: Robert Poe
- Vice-Chairman:
- Executive Director-Treasurer: Joel Faircloth
$40.00 per squad
$ 16.00 per member
Dues are payable October 1 - Delinquent after February 1
Dues are prorated. March 1 - August 31
A one time fee of $4.00.
Please furnish the association with the following information when renewing yearly dues:
- Squad Roster of ALL members.
- Squad information sheet.
It is important for us to have the correct mailing address of the squad, current Captain/Chief and Secretary along with emergency phone numbers. Please notify the Association when any changes are made in address, Captain, Chief and Secretary or Emergency phone numbers of any other officers. - Your roster can be filed on-line and payment made on-line, or you can file on-line and authorize us to bill the department for you annual dues
- Always include Membership dues and unit dues at the same time, if filing your roster by mail. Each squad receives a certificate for payment of unit dues. Individual association cards are received by each member on payment of dues. Each card is signed by the Commander and Executive Director-Treasurer. Each member also received a NCAR&EMS window decal.
The Benevolent Brotherhood is a fund provided by the Association to the beneficiary of a deceased member of a Rescue Squad. The Benevolent Brotherhood pays benefits as provided for in Article VIII in the Benevolent Brotherhood Bylaws.
To be a member of the Benevolent Brotherhood, a member of a squad must first be a member of the North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services, Inc.
N.C.A.R. & E.M.S. Joining fees are.........$16.00 per member
N.C.A.R. & E.M.S. Benevolent Brotherhood fees are...........................$4.00 per member
(Application Card Completed)
Total joining fees.........................$20.00
- Notify the Association office immediately when a death occurs.
- Send one (1) copy of the Death Certificate to the Association office. Please do not send the original death certificate. Your local funeral home can obtain a copy for you.
- A NCAR&EMS flag may be obtained for the family of the deceased member, if they desire one. There is no charge for this flag.
- A Graveside Burial Booklet is available to squads on the death of a member. This booklet was composed and written by former State Chaplain, Rev. Dan Norman.
- Assessment fees are $1.00 per member, due within 10 days of assessment billing date.
- In changing a Beneficiary, please fill out another application card and mark at top "Change of Beneficiary". Please have your squad secretary check occasionally for members whose beneficiaries have changed and for members who have gotten married and still list their parents as beneficiaries. Send changes to the Association Office as quickly as possible.
- When transferring a squad member to another squad, please make sure that all assessments are paid on them before requesting the transfer.
Chapter 7 OFFICERS
7.1 FY 2023 - 2024
- Commander: Josh Shumate 2023-24
- Vice-Commander: Robert Poe 2023-24
- Executive Director-Treasurer:
Joel Faircloth
Gordon A. Joyner, Emeritus - Chairman, NCAR&EMS/Benevolent. Brotherhood: Josh Shumate
- Vice-Chairman, NCAR&EMS/Benevolent. Brotherhood: Robert Poe
Joel Faircloth
PO Box 505, Salemburg, NC 28385
Res: 910/525-0385 Bus: 919/736-0506 Cell: 910/990-2728 Fax: 919/736-7759
PO Box 505, Salemburg, NC 28385
Res: 910/525-0385 Bus: 919/736-0506 Cell: 910/990-2728 Fax: 919/736-7759
Gordon A. Joyner, Emeritus
683 S. Bentonville Rd, Four Oaks, NC 27524-8860
Bus. 919/736-0506 Cell: 919/705-3851
683 S. Bentonville Rd, Four Oaks, NC 27524-8860
Bus. 919/736-0506 Cell: 919/705-3851
Dr. Hervy Kornegay Jr
107 Hyde Park Dr, Goldsboro, NC 27530
Bus. 919/580-0004
107 Hyde Park Dr, Goldsboro, NC 27530
Bus. 919/580-0004
Phillip Baddour, Jr.
PO Box 916, Goldsboro NC 27533-0916
Bus. 919/735-7275 Res. 919/734-3917
PO Box 916, Goldsboro NC 27533-0916
Bus. 919/735-7275 Res. 919/734-3917
Carnie Hedgepeth
1882 Fishpond Rd, Farmville NC 27828
Res. 252/413-0390
1882 Fishpond Rd, Farmville NC 27828
Res. 252/413-0390
Debra Poe
PO Box 672, Jefferson, NC 27640-0672
Bus. 336/246-2768 Res. 336/246-3215
PO Box 672, Jefferson, NC 27640-0672
Bus. 336/246-2768 Res. 336/246-3215
Gary Whitman
381 Club House Dr., Dunn, NC 28334
Bus. 910/892-1211 Res. 910/892-8558
381 Club House Dr., Dunn, NC 28334
Bus. 910/892-1211 Res. 910/892-8558
Gary Whitman
381 Club House Dr., Dunn, NC 28334
Bus. 910/892-1211 Res. 910/892-8558
381 Club House Dr., Dunn, NC 28334
Bus. 910/892-1211 Res. 910/892-8558
Ricky E. Joyner
275 Manley Grove Ch Rd, Mt. Olive NC 28365
Bus. Res. 919/689-9555
275 Manley Grove Ch Rd, Mt. Olive NC 28365
Bus. Res. 919/689-9555
Robert G. Poe
PO Box 672, Jefferson, NC 28640-0627
Bus. 336/246-2768 Res. 336/246-3215
PO Box 672, Jefferson, NC 28640-0627
Bus. 336/246-2768 Res. 336/246-3215
Robert G. Poe
PO Box 672, Jefferson, NC 28640-0627
Bus. 336/246-2768 Res. 336/246-3215
PO Box 672, Jefferson, NC 28640-0627
Bus. 336/246-2768 Res. 336/246-3215
Charles Gary Whitman
381 Club House Dr., Dunn, NC 28334
Bus. 910/892-1211 Res. 910/892-8558
381 Club House Dr., Dunn, NC 28334
Bus. 910/892-1211 Res. 910/892-8558
Joel Faircloth
PO Box 505
Salemburg, NC. 27385
Bus. 919/736-0506 Cell 910/990-2728
PO Box 505
Salemburg, NC. 27385
Bus. 919/736-0506 Cell 910/990-2728
Terry Foxx
145 Midway Park Ln, Taylorsville NC 28681-9419
Res. 828/632-2755
145 Midway Park Ln, Taylorsville NC 28681-9419
Res. 828/632-2755
Kenneth Hogue
8349 Unity Church Rd
Denver, NC 28037
Cell 704 634-9935
8349 Unity Church Rd
Denver, NC 28037
Cell 704 634-9935
Malcom Smith
1337 Waters End Ct
Winnabow, NC 28479
Cell. 910 470-0423
1337 Waters End Ct
Winnabow, NC 28479
Cell. 910 470-0423
Jerry Bradshaw
216 King Rd, Clinton NC 28328-8715
Res. 910/533-2252
216 King Rd, Clinton NC 28328-8715
Res. 910/533-2252
Robert Poe
PO Box 672, Jefferson, NC 28640-0672
Bus. 336 246-2768 Res. 336 246-3215
PO Box 672, Jefferson, NC 28640-0672
Bus. 336 246-2768 Res. 336 246-3215
Joel Faircloth
PO Box 505, Salemburg NC 28385-0505
Bus. 919/736-0506 Res. 910/525-0385
PO Box 505, Salemburg NC 28385-0505
Bus. 919/736-0506 Res. 910/525-0385
Josh Shumate
2940 N NC 119 Hwy, Mebane, NC 27302
2940 N NC 119 Hwy, Mebane, NC 27302
Dr. Hervy Kornegay Jr.
102 Hyde Park Dr, Goldsboro, NC 27530
102 Hyde Park Dr, Goldsboro, NC 27530
7.8 911 BOARD
Greg Foster
PO Box 1423, Taylorsville, NC 28681
Cell. 828/217-1151 Bus. 828/632-1731
PO Box 1423, Taylorsville, NC 28681
Cell. 828/217-1151 Bus. 828/632-1731
William Terry Foxx
145 Midway Park Ln
Taylorsville, NC 28581
Bus: 828/228-8526 Res: 828/632-2755 Cell: 828/320-3248
145 Midway Park Ln
Taylorsville, NC 28581
Bus: 828/228-8526 Res: 828/632-2755 Cell: 828/320-3248
7.10.1 AREA I
- DIRECTOR: Randy Skinner 2023-25
- DIRECTOR: Stormy T. Butts 2022-24
7.10.2 AREA II
- DIRECTOR: Michael Bryant 2023-25
- DIRECTOR: Butch Oliver 2022-24
7.10.3 AREA III
- DIRECTOR: Ronnie Warrick 2023-25
- DIRECTOR: Steve Miller 2022-24
7.10.4 AREA IV
- DIRECTOR: Jerry Bradshaw 2023-25
- DIRECTOR: Gene Matthis 2022-24
7.10.5 AREA V
- DIRECTOR: Mac Smith 2023-25
- DIRECTOR: Hank Harris 2022-24
7.10.6 AREA VI
- DIRECTOR: Alexander Beaver 2023-25
- DIRECTOR: Paul Nowell 2022-24
7.10.7 AREA VII
- DIRECTOR: David Pease 2023-25
- DIRECTOR: Jerry Cornelison 2022-24
7.10.8 AREA VIII
- DIRECTOR: Joe Mancos 2023-25
- DIRECTOR: Christopher Mauney 2022-24
7.10.9 AREA IX
- DIRECTOR: Jeff Hinshaw 2023-25
- DIRECTOR: Billy Sparks 2022-24
7.10.10 AREA X
- DIRECTOR: Scott McCaskill 2023-25
- DIRECTOR: William Mauney 2022-24
7.10.11 AREA XI
- DIRECTOR: Tim Pennell 2023-25
- DIRECTOR: Wesley G. Blackwelder 2022-24
7.10.12 AREA XII
- DIRECTOR: Christopher Cline 2023-25
- DIRECTOR: Christopher W. Jacobs 2022-24
7.10.13 AREA XIII
- DIRECTOR: Kenneth Hogue 2023-25
- DIRECTOR: Tom Billig 2022-24
7.10.14 AREA XIV
- DIRECTOR: David Stamey 2023-25
- DIRECTOR: Vacant 2022-24
7.10.15 AREA XV
- DIRECTOR: Dale Whitlock 2023-25
- DIRECTOR: Bob Twomey 2022-24
The Advisory Committee shall consist of ten (10) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and Bylaws, the Advisory Committee shall review and/or recommend policy changes affecting any Association activity, office, officer or employee; offer advice to the Board of Directors and any Association Officer or committee upon request; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
- EX-OFFICIO: Commander & Executive Director-Treasurer
Jerry Bradshaw
Jerry Cornelison
Bill Henderson
Joe Mancos
Gene Matthis
Scott McCaskill
Tim Pennell
Randy Skinner
David Stamey
Ronnie Warrick
The BLS Competition Committee shall consist of four (4) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and Bylaws, the BLS Competition Committee shall also serve as liaison between the Association and the North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services, or its successor, for the purpose of sponsoring an annual competition between Association squads involving patient care techniques; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, shall perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
- CHAIRPERSON: William Mauney
- EX-OFFICIO: Commander & Executive Director-Treasurer
Jason Cline
Joe Mancos
Bob Twomey
Ronnie Warrick
Representative from the North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services, Office of E.M.S.
The Constitution Committee shall consist of four (4) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members and shall meet at least once yearly prior to the first Board of Director's Meeting and as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and Bylaws, the Constitution Committee shall also review the Association's Constitution and these Bylaws to consider the need for amendments to clarify or update them, at their required meeting; review any amendment(s) submitted by the Association membership to determine their timeliness and impact of the Constitution and Bylaws prior to the Convention and Annual Meeting; provide a recommendation to the Board of Directors and to the assembly on such amendment(s); and interpret the Constitution and these Bylaws. Upon written request, the Committee shall give a written interpretation of the provisions of this Constitution and Bylaws which shall be filed by the Executive Director for future reference. Written interpretations by the Constitution Committee shall be binding and may only be changed by the Constitution Committee or Amendment. The Constitution Committee shall keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities, and perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
- CHAIRPERSON: Billy Sparks Jr
- EX-OFFICIO: Commander & Executive Director-Treasurer
Bill Henderson
Steven Miller
Paul Nowell
Robert Poe
The Convention Committee shall consist of a minimum of three (3) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties bestowed on this committee in the Associations Constitution and By-Laws, the Convention Committee shall plan, develop, and co-ordinate all activities related to the Association Annual Meeting and Convention, and keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and perform such other duties as the Commander and/or the Board of Directors may require of it.
- CHAIRPERSON: Josh Shumate
- EX-OFFICIO: Commander & Executive Director-Treasurer
Alex Beaver
Lorrie Lancaster
Debbie Poe
Mac Smith
David Stamey
Dale Whitlock
The Credentials Committee shall consist of four (4) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members and shall meet at the Convention and Annual Meeting prior to the opening of the first session of the Business Meeting or as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and Bylaws, the Credentials Committee shall also verify the credentials of each voting delegate to the Convention and Annual Meeting and certify his/her right(s) to vote during the Business Meeting; draft, for majority approval of the Board of Directors, and publish campaign requirements for candidates for Association office; review the qualifications of candidates for Association office at the Convention and Annual Meeting and report their findings to the assembly; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities, and shall perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
- CHAIRPERSON: Jerry Bradshaw
- EX-OFFICIO: Commander & Executive Director-Treasurer
Wes Blackwelder
Jerry Cornelison
Hank Harris
David Stamey
The Finance Committee shall consist of ten (10) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and Bylaws, the Finance Committee shall prepare a budget to govern the expenses of the Association for the year following the Convention and Annual Meeting (this budget shall be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors and presented to the assembly by the Finance Chairperson); explore and implement ways of raising funds for the Association; approve all travel expenses and expenses for additional help prior to disbursement by the Treasurer, if appropriate; develop guidelines by which such disbursements may be made by the Treasurer; provide a recommendation on all matters concerning employee salaries, including raises and cuts, to the Board of Directors who shall make all final salary decisions by majority vote; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
- EX-OFFICIO: Commander & Executive Director-Treasurer
Jerry Bradshaw
Stormie Butts
Eddie Haddock
Bill Henderson
Chris Jacobs
Chris Mauney
Scott McCaskill
Paul Nowell
Darren Norris
Mac Smith
Gary Whitman
The Personnel Committee and Chairperson shall be appointed annually at the Convention and Annual Meeting by the Board of Directors and shall consist of one (1) director from Areas 1-8 and (1) director from Areas 9-15, one (1) representative from Areas 1-8, one representative from Areas 9-15, one (1) member at large and the Executive Director who shall be ex-officio non voting member. All appointments are for two years, except the member at large which shall be a one year appointment. The Personnel Committee shall prepare a job description for the position of Executive Director and when hiring shall interview qualified candidates, prepare a proposed contract and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors on the most qualified candidate for the position of Executive Director. The chairperson shall immediately notify the Executive Officers and Board of Directors on the hiring, firing, resignation or leave of absence of any employee. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and Bylaws, the Personnel Committee shall also prepare and maintain a Personnel Manual for the Association; meet at least once annually and as needed to consider changes in the Manual; make recommendations to the Board of Directors and other Association bodies on issues involving employees; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, shall perform such other duties as the Board of Directors may require of it.
- CHAIRPERSON: Jeff Hinshaw Director: 9-15, Term: Aug 2023 - Aug 2025
- EX-OFFICIO: Commander & Executive Director-Treasurer
Kim Haddock Annually
Debbie Poe Representative: 9-15, Term: Aug 2022 - Aug 2024
Jerry Bradshaw Director: 1-8, Term: Aug 2022- Aug 2024
Gary Whitman Reprentative: 1-8, Term: Aug 2023- Aug 2025
The Rescue Competition Committee shall consist of four (4) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and Bylaws, the Rescue Competition Committee shall also serve as liaison between the Association and the North Carolina Department of Insurance, Fire and Rescue Services Division, or its successor, for the purpose of sponsoring as annual competition between Association squads involving Rescue techniques; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and shall perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
- EX-OFFICIO: Commander & Executive Director-Treasurer
Gene Matthis
Ben Lunsford
Tim Pennell
Bob Twomey
7.19.1 MEMBERS
- CHAIRPERSON: Josh Shumate
Bill Henderson
Robert Poe
Bob Twomey
The standards and Training Committee Shall Consist of a minimum of eight (8) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Standards and Training committee shall monitor, develop and recommend standard and training programs affecting members of the Association and keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and perform such other duties as the Commander and or Board of Directors may require of it.
7.20.1 MEMBERS
- CHAIRPERSON: William Mauney
- EX-OFFICIO: Commander & Executive Director-Treasurer
Tom Billig
Wes Blackwelder
Terry Foxx
Kevin Gordon
Jeff Hinshaw
Ken Hogue
Joe Mancos
Chris Mauney
Tim Pennell
Robert Poe
Mac Smith
Billy Sparks Jr
Bob Twomey
7.21 Junior Program Development Ad Hoc Committee
The Commander and Vice-Commander may appoint as needed, ad hoc committees and committee chairpersons to investigate or consider special problems, suggestions, programs and projects. No approval of the committees or chairpersons is required by the Board of Directors, these committees shall serve entirely at the pleasure of the Commander or Vice-Commander. Unless otherwise directed by the Commander or Vice-Commander, these committees shall serve until they complete their task or the next Convention and Annual Association Meeting, whichever comes first; at which time the Commander or Vice-Commander may continue particular ad hoc committees or reappoint these particular committees at anytime in the future.
7.21.1 MEMBERS
- CHAIRPERSON: Paul Nowell
- EX-OFFICIO: Commander & Executive Director-Treasurer
Alex Beaver
Michael Bryant
Lorrie Lancaster
Debbie Poe
7.22 Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee
The Commander and Vice-Commander may appoint as needed, ad hoc committees and committee chairpersons to investigate or consider special problems, suggestions, programs and projects. No approval of the committees or chairpersons is required by the Board of Directors, these committees shall serve entirely at the pleasure of the Commander or Vice-Commander. Unless otherwise directed by the Commander or Vice-Commander, these committees shall serve until they complete their task or the next Convention and Annual Association Meeting, whichever comes first; at which time the Commander or Vice-Commander may continue particular ad hoc committees or reappoint these particular committees at anytime in the future.
7.22.1 MEMBERS
- EX-OFFICIO: Commander & Executive Director-Treasurer
Landon Flooe
Ken Hogue
Hervy Kornegay Jr.
Joe Mancos
Paul Nowell
Mac Smith
7.23 Mental Health Ad Hoc Committee
The Commander and Vice-Commander may appoint as needed, ad hoc committees and committee chairpersons to investigate or consider special problems, suggestions, programs and projects. No approval of the committees or chairpersons is required by the Board of Directors, these committees shall serve entirely at the pleasure of the Commander or Vice-Commander. Unless otherwise directed by the Commander or Vice-Commander, these committees shall serve until they complete their task or the next Convention and Annual Association Meeting, whichever comes first; at which time the Commander or Vice-Commander may continue particular ad hoc committees or reappoint these particular committees at anytime in the future.
7.23.1 MEMBERS
- CHAIRPERSON: Scott McCaskill
- EX-OFFICIO: Commander & Executive Director-Treasurer
Tom Billig
Jerry Bradshaw
Hervy Kornegay Jr.
Joe Mancos
Butch Oliver
David Pease
Chapter 8 Past Commanders
- *George Wentz 1957, 1958Hickory, N.C.
- *Roy Hardee 1958, 1959, 1960Greenville, N.C.
- *James Johnson 1960, 1961Morganton, N.C.
- *J. C. Purcell 1961, 1962Laurinburg, N.C.
- *Graham C. Johnson 1963, 1964Elkin, N.C.
- *James F. McDonald 1964, 1965Goldsboro, N.C.
- *W. O. Richards 1965, 1966Newton, N.C.
- *A. B. Parker 1966, 1967, 1968Vass, N.C.
- *Charles W. Campbell 1968, 1969, 1970Salisbury, N.C.
- *Howard A. Shaw, Sr.
1970, 1971, 1972,Goldsboro, N.C.
1977, 1978, 1979,
1983, 1984, 1985 - *Jack L. White 1972, 1973, 1974Canton, N.C.
- *Charles W. Swinson 1974, 1975, 1976Mount Olive, N.C.
- *T. Max Wesson
1976, 1977, 1989Claremont, N.C.
1990, 1991, 1995,
1996, 1997 - *David A. Yount 1979, 1980, 1981Newton, N.C.
- J. Keith Harris
1981, 1982, 1983,Goldsboro, N.C.
1987, 1988, 1989 - W. Wayne Cooke 1985, 1986, 1987Rocky Mount, N.C.
- John L. Pippin, Jr. 1991, 1992, 1993Fremont, N.C.
- *Hiram Brinson, Jr. 1993, 1994, 1995Kenansville, N.C.
- *William H. White 1998, 1999Fayetteville, N.C.
- *Henry Sermons 2000, 2001Havelock, N.C.
- Robert Poe
2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015West Jefferson, N.C. - Gary Whitman 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009Dunn, NC
- *Tommy McNeill 2010, 2011Asheboro, NC
- Terry Foxx 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019Taylorsville, NC
- Dr. Hervy Kornegay Jr. 2020,2021, 2022, 2023Goldsboro, NC
* Denotes Deceased
- First
- Greensboro, NC Sept. 22, 1957
- Second
- Goldsboro, NC Oct. 5, 1958
- Third
- Salisbury, NC Oct. 4, 1959
- Fourth
- Burlington, NC Oct. 23, 1960
- Fifth
- Greenville, NC Oct. 15, 1961
- Sixth
- Laurinburg, NC Oct. 21, 1962
- Seventh
- Winston-Salem, NC Oct. 27, 1963
- Eighth
- Hickory, NC Oct. 30, 31, Nov. 1, 1964
- Ninth
- Goldsboro, NC Oct. 22, 23, 24, 1965
- Tenth
- Winston-Salem, NC Oct. 28, 29, 30, 1966
- Eleventh
- Asheville, NC Sept. 22, 23, 24, 1967
- Twelvth
- Goldsboro, NC Oct. 25, 26, 27, 1968
- Thirteenth
- Hickory, NC Sept. 26, 27, 28, 1969
- Fourteenth
- Elizabeth City, NC Sept. 18, 19, 20, 1970
- Fifteenth
- Roanoke Rapids, NC Sept. 17, 18, 19, 1971
- Sixteenth
- Wilson, NC Sept. 22, 23, 24, 1972
- Seventeenth
- Asheville, NC Sept. 14, 15, 16, 1973
- Eighteenth
- Charlotte, NC Sept. 13, 14, 15, 1974
- Nineteenth
- Wilmington, NC Sept. 19, 20, 21, 1975
- Twentieth
- Asheville, NC Sept. 24, 25, 1976
- Twenty-First
- Charlotte, NC Sept. 16, 17, 1977
- Twenty-Second
- Fayetteville, NC Oct. 6, 7, 1978
- Twenty-Third
- Asheville, NC Sept. 28, 29, 1979
- Twenty-Fourth
- Charlotte, NC Oct. 3, 4, 1980
- Twenty-Fifth
- Winston-Salem, NC Oct. 9, 10, 1981
- Twenty-Sixth
- Asheville, NC Sept. 24, 25, 1982
- Twenty-Seventh
- Charlotte, NC Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 1983
- Twenty-Eighth
- Fayetteville, NC Sept. 21, 22, 23, 1984
- Twenty-Ninth
- High Point, NC Oct. 4, 5, 1985
- Thirtieth
- Raleigh, NC Oct. 3, 4, 1986
- Thirty-First
- Winston-Salem, NC Oct. 23, 24, 1987
- Thirty-Second
- Morehead City, NC Oct. 7, 8, 1988
- Thirty-Third
- Fayetteville, NC Oct. 13, 14, 1989
- Thirty-Fourth
- High Point, NC Oct. 4, 5, 6, 1990
- Thirty-Fifth
- Asheville, NC Sept. 19, 20, 21, 1991
- Thirty-Sixth
- Morehead City, NC Sept. 17, 18, 19, 1992
- Thirty-Seventh
- High Point, NC Sept. 23, 24, 25, 1993
- Thirty-Eighth
- Greenville, NC Sept. 15, 16, 17, 1994
- Thirty-Ninth
- Fayetteville, NC Sept. 29, 30, Oct. 1, 1995
- Fortieth
- Asheville, NC Sept. 13, 14, 15, 1996
- Forty-First
- Hickory, NC Sept. 19, 20, 21, 1997
- Forty-Second
- Winston-Salem, NC Sept. 17, 18, 19, 1998
- Forty-Third
- Winston-Salem, NC Sept. 16, 17, 18, 1999
- Forty-Fourth
- Fayetteville, NC Sept. 21, 22, 23, 2000
- Forty-Fifth
- Hickory, NC Sept. 13, 14, 15, 2001
- Forty-Sixth
- New Bern, NC Sept. 20, 21, 22, 2002
- Forty-Seventh
- Winston Salem, NC Sept. 11, 12, 13, 2003
- Forty-Eighth
- Winston Salem, NC Sept 22, 23, 24, 2004
- Forty-Ninth
- Winston Salem, NC June 23, 24, 25, 2005
- Fiftieth
- Winston Salem, NC June 22, 23, 24, 2006
- Fifty-First
- Hickory, NC June 21, 22, 23, 2007
- Fifty-Second
- Hickory, NC June 19, 20, 21, 2008
- Fifty-Third
- Greenville, NC June 25, 26, 27, 2009
- Fifty-Fourth
- Greenville, NC April 23, 24, 25, 2010
- Fifty-Fifth
- High Point, NC September, 16, 17, 18, 2011
- Fifty-Sixth
- High Point, NC September, 13, 14, 15, 2012
- Fifty-Seventh
- Greenville, NC July 25, 26, 27, 2013
- Fifty-Eight
- Greenville, NC August 7, 8, 9, 2014
- Fifty-Nine
- Hickory, NC August 27, 28, 29, 2015
- Sixtieth
- Hickory, NC September 8, 9, 10, 2016
- Sixty-First
- Hickory, NC September 7, 8, 9, 2017
- Sixty-Second
- Hickory, NC September 6, 7, 8, 2018
- Sixty-Third
- Beaufort, NC November 22, 2019
- Sixty-Fourth
- Virtual, September 12, 2020
- Sixty-Fifth
- Beaufort, NC Sepember 10, 11, 2021
- Sixty-Sixth
- Beaufort, NC Sepember 09, 10, 2022
- Sixty-Seventh
- Asheville, NC September 8,9,2023
Chapter 10 Area Directors' Report
Number of members on squad: __________
Regular Meeting:YES______ NO______
Visit:YES ______ NO______
Is squad a Member of the N.C.A.R. & E.M.S.?YES______ NO______
Does Squad have an active training program?YES______ NO______
This is to certify that _________________________________________________
Director of Area __________ visited our squad.
(Squad Official)
SIGNED:____________________________________________ AREA: _______
Chapter 11 "Director of the Year Award"
- Getting a new squad to join the N.C.A.R. & E.M.S100 pts.
- Holding and attending area meetings (50 points for each meeting)50 pts.
- Visiting a squad during a regular meeting50 pts.
- Visiting a squad for other than a regular meeting25 pts.
- Visiting an area meeting (other than your area)15 pts.
- Notifying the State Office of an area meeting15 pts.
- Notifying the State Office within 24 hours of a mutual aid call25 pts.
- Attending Director's Meetings50 pts.
In case of a tie, the Director visiting the highest percentage of squads in his/her own area (member and non-member) shall be the winner.
Cut-off date for the Commander accepting information for the Director of the Year Award shall be thirty (30) days prior to the Convention and Annual Meeting.
Amended at Director's Meeting, September 17, 2006
Chapter 12 Emeritus Membership
- Bob Bailey Raleigh, NC
- Ed Browning Raleigh, NC
- Lynette Bryan Mount Olive, NC
- Joe Burris Greenville, NC
- Greg Chatham Eden, NC
- Regina Godette-Crawford Whitsett, NC
- Jean Kirk Raleigh, NC
- Clara Murphrey Zebulon, NC
- Becky Strickland La Grange, NC
- Robert Swiger Raleigh, NC
- Rhonda Stevens Selma, NC
Chapter 13 Lifetime Membership
- Timothy L. Bradley Mebane, NC
- Jerry Bradshaw Clinton, NC
- Richard Caudill Sparta, NC
- Derrick Clouston Asheboro, NC
- Jerry Cornelison Biscoe, NC
- Glen Cowan Robersonville, NC
- Anita J. Cox Claremont, NC
- Joel Faircloth Salemburg, NC
- Terry Foxx Taylorsville, NC
- Kevin Gordon Shelby, NC
- Carnie Hedgepeth Farmville, NC
- William C. "Bill" Henderson Mebane, NC
- J. Keith Harris Goldsboro, NC
- Jeff Hinshaw Yadkinville, NC
- Donald Houston Claremont, NC
- Allen C. Johnson Goldsboro, NC
- Gordon Allen Joyner Four Oaks, NC
- Hervy Kornegay Sr Mt.Olive, NC
- Hervy Kornegay Jr Goldsboro, NC
- Lawrence Scott McCaskill Thomasville, NC
- Tom Mitchell Scotland Neck, NC
- Paul Nowell Weldon, NC
- Tim Pennell Taylorsville, NC
- John L. Pippin Fremont, NC
- Robert G. Poe West Jefferson, NC
- Debra E. Poe West Jefferson, NC
- Josh P. Shumate Mebane, NC
- Richard Smith Taylorsville, NC
- Billy Sparks Jr Winston Salem, NC
- David Stamey Clyde, NC
- Bob Twomey Cedar Mountain, NC
- Ronnie Warrick Fremont, NC
- Gary Whitman Dunn, NC