Meeting Minutes for July 25-27, 2013


NC Association of Rescue & EMS, Inc.
July 25-27, 2013
Greenville Convention Center, Greenville NC
Commander Robert Poe called the meeting to order.
Invocation was given by Carnie Hedgepeth.
Welcome was given by Commander Robert Poe
Adoption of order of business; Motion to approve by Bill Henderson; second Bob Twomey; motion carried.
Roll call of voting delegates; Jerry Bradshaw called the names of 22 voting delegates. A complete list is available in the office.
Guests were recognized; Regina Godette-Crawford Chief OEMS and staff, David Starling NC Treasurers Office Fire & Rescue Pension Fund, Larry Hughes & Staff NC OSFM, Brian Barnes NCEM, Gary Wingrove NCEMSC, Stacy Rhodes Excutive Director TN Rescue Association and Fred Bone of Bone & Associates.

Old Business:


Agency Reports:



Brian Barnes; (1)August 6 next exercise with the Catawba Nuclear Station. (2) Next swiftwater boat operators course is August 12, 2013. (3)Advance boat operation course will be August 19, 2013. Please see the TERMS website for other classes. (4)Planning an Alpine Search class coming up in January 2014. See terms for complete date and times. (5)Looking to work with association to expand mountain rescue and wilderness components. (6) Continued work with OEMS to put together mission packages.


State Treasurers' Office:

David Starling, NC Treasurers Office, NC Fire / Rescue Pension Fund. (1)over 40000 participants in the pension fund and 11000 retirees currently. The fund is solvent. (2) State and personnel contributes to the fund and is invested to provide for the fund. (3) Average age of participants is 39.7 years old and 11 years of service is the average. Avg age of retired 68 years old. Avg payout $24 million. (4) Legislation that has been passed. HB 327 passed in July. There were several meeting during the time of this legislation to get these changes made. Changes were made to the name, definitions in the fund, board of trustees responsibilities will be transferred to the Local Government Retirement Board. There will be an Fire & Rescue Pension Advisory Board of 7 established to give input to the Local Government Board. Technical changes to refund policies so that the member gets those contributions. A provision so that if a member is convicted of felony related to fire and rescue work they would not be eligible to participate. The definition changes of an eligible Fire & Rescue member include minimum age of 18 to join and 36 hours of training and does not include meetings in a year. Contributions must be submitted within 90days of the end of the calendar year (March 31) the years of service were earned. Indicate what months and years the contributions are being made. Inactive membership was better defined. (5)There will be more information coming from the Treasurers Office concerning these changes in the future.

Boards & Commission Representative Reports:

Certification Board:

Kevin Gordon; (1) Rescue Officer program has been handed to the validation committee to review. (2)Hazmat will remain the same and NFPA 472 is changing to 1072 and the program will change once that has been released. (3) NFPA 1006 is under revision and their has been a meeting already to look at any revision required. Small increase in hours for health and wellness in general and the only other changes will just be updating the minor changes to the standard. (4) FFI & II will be only at one level in the near future. (5) The certification board is working to rewrite the policy and procedure manual and has reduced committees to 2 standing committee to rules and discipline. There may be ad hoc or short term committees such as Rescue officer and technical rescuer.

Rescue Committee:

EMS Advisory Committee:

Robert Poe; EMS Advisory Council has met and the information from those meeting has been covered in the OEMS Chief's report.

Fire & Rescue Commission:

Robert Poe; Fire and Rescue Commission meeting April 2013 and the July 2013 meeting was cancelled. No additional information to report that was not in OSFM or Certification Board report.


Gordon Joyner; Fred Bone will report on the legislation that was approved for funding of the VSWCF.

Fire & Rescue Pension Fund Board:

Debbie Poe; No additional information than what was in report from David Starling of the NC Treasurers Office.

Stroke Advisory Council:

No Report

911 Board:

No Report

Committee reports were given as follows:

Advisory Committee:

Terry Foxx. No Report

Finance Committee:

Gary Whitman Reporting; (1) Budgets presented for information only. (2) Budget for FY 2013-2014 to be approved at the next Board of Directors Meeting.

Personnel Committee:

Jeff Hinshaw; (1) Contract for the Deputy Executive Director Joel Faircloth for a term of 4 years and will be presented to the Directors following this meeting for approval.

Credentials Committee:

Jerry Bradshaw; (1)21 voting delegates. (2) Resumes for Commander, Robert Poe and Vice Commander Terry Foxx.

Election of Commander nomination open for one minute. Robert Poe submitted resume. Motion to accept by acclamation Bill Henderson, Second Trick Lee, Motion approved.

Election of Vice Commander nomination open for one minute William Terry Foxx submitted resume. Motion to accept by acclamation Bob Twomey, Second Bill Henderson, Motion approved.

Constitution Committee:

Glenn Cowan; No Report.

Rescue Competition:

Tim Pennell; (1) Judges School held June 22, 2013. (2) Competition this year for Technical and Challenge teams. Please attend and support these teams. (3) Let us know any ideas for problems that could be considered for competition.

BLS Competition:

Terry Foxx (1)BLS competition will be Saturday July 27, 2013 with 7 teams expected to compete. (2)Thanks to the staff of OEMS for their assistance with competition.

Training And Standards Committee:

Terry Foxx; (1)Standards are unchanged from the last meeting. (2) REMS and Graduate programs are out, so please look for those in the first part of the year. (3) Membership 27768 members on 626 rosters, Brotherhood membership 6465 on 212 Departments and also to include 693 individuals. (4)There were 20 new department members and 5 that are no longer members due to closures. (5) Reports presented on number departments that have been recognized at the different levels of service the association recognizes. (6)Listing of the contributions to the memorial fund was also presented.

Special Committee Report:

Relief Fund Board:

Robert Poe. (1)Meets at each Directors Meeting and in between as necessary. (2) Continues to award over $1 Million dollars in scholarships each year. This year there were awards to all 15 areas.

Bone & Associates - Fred Bone:

A copy of the presentation is attached to the minutes in the office and available upon request.

Annual Meeting 2013:

Gordon Joyner; (1) Welcome and Hope everyone enjoys this year and has a good time.

Annual Meeting 2014:

Gordon Joyner; (1)2014 dates August 7-9 back here at the Greenville Convention Center.

New Business:

Commander Robert Poe.
I am pleased to stand before you today and say that the state of the North Carolina Association of Rescue and EMS is strong

We continue to work with other State Agencies and build relationships with them. I want to thank NC Office of Emergency Medical Services, the Office of the State Fire Marshal, and North Carolina Emergency Management for their support and willingness to listen and act when needed.

To the Area Directors, your representation of your areas is a very important in how this association works. Without your input, we as officers cannot do our job of addressing the needs of our membership. Your continued hard work is greatly appreciated.

We continue to work with the lobbying firm of Bone and Associates. They continue to keep us on top of legislative issues that are important to our members and guide us through the legislative process in an ethical and professional manner. Their company continues to be efficient and effective.

We continue to provide well over $1,000,0000 of scholarships to our children and our members each year. We offer death benefits, catastrophic and disability benefits, and other member assistance programs. As far as the office staff I believe we are truly blessed to have Gordon, Lynette, Becky and Joel. Each of these are outstanding in the performance of their duties. All 4 give 110% for this Association which is essentially you the members..

We have been and will continue to be willing to address changes rescue standards as technology and techniques change. Our rescue standards are providing departments a goal to work maintain or work toward.

As I have said before I am proud to be a part of this Association. I am very pleased with the progress it has made and the direction it continues to move in.

If any one of you have a suggestion or a vision as to how we can make this association better then I ask you to jot it down and send it to us. I am not saying that we will take every one and run with it but different ideas are what helps organizations like ours prosper

The meeting was recessed until the Awards Presentations.


Welcome was given by Robert Poe.

Greenville Public Safety Pipe and Drum Prelude.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Invocation Bill Henderson and Executive Director Gordon A. Joyner conducted the Memorial Service.

Greenville Public Safety Pipe and Drum played Amazing Grace.

Commander Robert Poe introduced the head table and guests.

N. C. Association of Rescue & EMS Auxiliary Awards

Outstanding Auxiliary of the Year:

Tabor City Rescue Auxiliary

Member of the Year Award:

Donna Stanley - Tabor City Rescue Auxiliary

Auxiliary Scrapbook Awards:

1st Place - Tabor City Auxiliary
2nd Place - Fremont Rescue & EMS Auxiliary

N. C. Association of Rescue & EMS, Inc Awards

NCAREMS Lifetime Membership:

Allen Johnson
Anita Cox
Tim Bradley

Chad M. Smith Memorial Spirit Award:

Alexander Rescue Squad & EMS

Steve Richey Memorial Award:

Jeff Hinshaw - Yadkin County Rescue Squad

William F. Osborne Outstanding Chief Memorial Award:

Christopher Buffalo - Conway-Severn Rescue

Director of the Year Award:

Tim Pennell - Area XI

Technical Rescue Competition:

1st Place - Alexander Rescue Squad & EMS
2nd Place - Claremont Rescue Squad

Craig A. Helms Memorial Technical Rescue Challenge:

1st Place - Alexander Rescue Squad & EMS
2nd Place - Claremont Rescue Squad

Jr BLS Competition:

1st Place - Tabor City Emergency Services Team 2
2nd Place - Alexander Rescue Squad & EMS
3rd Place - Tabor City Emergency Services Team 1

Sr BLS Competition:

1st Place - Wilson County Rescue Squad
2nd Place -Alexander Rescue Squad & EMS
3rd Place -Claremont Rescue Squad
4th Place - Piedmont Triad Ambulance & Rescue Team

Benediction by Bill Henderson.


There being no further business the convention/annual meeting was adjourned.


Gordon A. Joyner/Executive Director

(Not official until approved by the Board of Directors.)

Meeting Minutes for July 25-27, 2013

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