Meeting Minutes for September 15-17, 2011
NC Association of Rescue & EMS, Inc.
September 16-17, 2011
The Showplace, High Point NC
Commander Tommy McNeill called the meeting to order.
Invocation was given by Chaplain Carnie Hedgepeth.
Welcome was given by Commander Tommy McNeill
The Auxiliary was excused for their meeting.
Adoption of order of business; Motion Bill Henderson; second Vince Stone; motion carried.
Roll call of voting delegates; Jerry Bradshaw called the names of 31 voting delegates.
Guests were recognized; Regina Godette-Crawford Chief OEMS and staff, Rhonda Stevens Fire & Rescue Pension Fund Coordinator, Steve Sloan NC OSFM, and Fred Bone of Bone & Associates.
No Report
Rhonda Stevens, Coordinator NC Fire / Rescue Pension Fund. (1) We are still working on the pension fund computer system. The individuals can look at their own account but the departments are not able to view TAD on line. (2) Please get your members to sign up. (3) Debbie Poe is the newest pension board member.
Terry Foxx; (1)The Certification Board met at Pinecroft Sedgefield FD on September 7, 2011. (2) The minutes of the previous meeting and agenda were approved. (3)Committee reports were read and approved. (4)Chairman Hanline welcomed three new members to the Board representing NCAREMS. They are Tim Pennell, Ron Watt and Joel Faircloth. (5)Chairman Hanline also appointed Terry Foxx to serve as the Interim Vice Chair of the Certification Board pending an upcoming election at the next meeting. (6)Several investigations have taken place and actions taken accordingly.(7)The Board will hold a retreat on January 10, 2012 to discuss several process and procedural items among other things. (7)The next meeting will be held at Pinecroft Sedgefield FD on December 7, 2011 at 10:00 AM.
Robert Poe; EMS Advisory Council meeting 5/10/11. (1)Lead the Wave Grant. Equipment is being purchased and should be distributed by June 30. Follow up data will be obtained on 12 Lead and Capnography. Approximately 150 units will receive equipment. (2)NC OEMS and Medtronics is wanting to increase cardiac arrest survival by 50%. (3)There is an online training program being developed for pediatrics, to be used by dispatchers and EMS. (4)The chemical dependency program started April 1. As of May 10 no one has applied. (5)Dr Mears was recognized for 13 years of dedicated service to North Carolina EMS agencies as State Medical Director.
EMS Advisory Council Meeting 8-9-2011. (1)The Lead the Wave grant is in negotiations for equipment. Hopefully equipment will be in the field by September 30. (2) Final recommendations of the Education Task Force was presented. (3)A brochure for the chemical Dependency Program is being developed. (4)It was brought up to educate all technicians that when there is an infant death or there is suspicion of a child or infant being abused they must report this to the Dept of Social Services as well as the ED.
Robert Poe; Fire and Rescue Commission meeting 4/12/11. (1) Chief 101 Course; Administrative Rule makes it mandatory for rating a fire Department. It was requested that this be a stand alone certification. This passed. (2)It was requested that the Rapid Intervention Course be a certification. All three modules (a) NFA Mayday; (b) Self Survival; (c) Rapid Intervention Team must be taken and passed. This passed. (3) Certification Board requested that the passing percentage for exams for instructors qualifying be raised from 70% to 80%. This passed. (4) 94% of fire departments are reporting to OSFM. Last year only 70% were reporting. (5) ISFAC visit in November went well. 44 Courses were evaluated and submitted to final board for approval. NC is second only to the Dept of Defense in the # of courses. (6) TR Water is to be added to the Community College Master Course List.
Fire and Rescue Commission Meeting 7/12/11. (1) There are approximately 1265 departments that should be reporting run activity to OSFM. Currently there are 1050 that do send in information. (2)There was 1 Line of Duty Death. (3) Three NC Association of Rescue Representatives were replaced on the Certification Board due to not meeting attendance requirements. The new members are Joel Faircloth, Tim Pennell, and Ron Watt. (4) Members discussed allowing the Volunteer Safety Workers Comp Board authority to perform duties as they see fit and to continue to provide a quarterly report to the Commission. (5) A survey is being sent out to Chief 101 instructors to see what, if anything needs to be changed. There were several good comments on the course. (6) The NC Legislature changed the fee waiver for fire, rescue and EMS personnel on July 1, 2011. Any non volunteers will now have to pay tuition. (7) Officer elections were held. Chief Harley Cook was reelected to Chair and Ken Brisco was elected to Vice-Chair
Gordon Joyner; (1) The fund is sound. (2) 2 claims last year in excess of 1 million dollars. (3) The state still needs to fund as they had agreed when it was started.
Debbie Poe; (1) Have not had a meeting since last meeting. (2) Actuary was approved for the fund by the board.
No Report
No Report
Robert Poe; Nothing to Report.
Henry Sermons / Gordon Joyner Reporting; (1) Budget presented for information only. (2) Budget approved at the March Board of Directors Meeting.
Eddie Haddock / Fred Bone; Gave a slide presentation with hard copy on file with the minutes in the Association office.
Robert Poe; (1) New squads since last annual meeting - 27. (2) Squads Closed - 11. (3) Squads Dropped - 8. (4) Squads Merged - 2. (5) Squads in the Association - 539. (6) Total paid membership - 24,555. (7) Departments in the Brotherhood - 217. (8) BH Members - 5662. (14) Individual BH Members - 690. (15) Total Brotherhood Membership - 6352.
Jerry Bradshaw; (1) There are 31 voting delegates. (2) The committee has verified the resumes and votes, for the areas that had to vote, for Director Elections. (3) The Elected Directors are as follows: Area 1 Randy Skinner, Area 2 Glen Cowan, Area 3 Jerry Bradshaw, Area 4 Ronnie Warrick, Area 5 Joe Mancos, Area 7 Ken Hogue, Area 8 Bill Henderson, Area 9 Scott McCaskill, Area 10 Vince Stone. (4) Election for Commander. One resumes submitted from Robert Poe. Floor open for nominations for 1 minute. No further nominations. Motion to close nomination and accept by acclamation Bill Henderson, Second by Bob Twomey. (5) Election for Vice Commander, 2 Resumes have been submitted Terry Foxx and David Stamey. Floor Open for nominations for 1 minute. No further nomination from the floor and closed. Voting by Secret Ballot. Terry Foxx elected by majority vote.
Glenn Cowan; Proposed changes to the Constitution & By-Laws; Motion from the Gary Whitman to accept proposed changes with a correction of error; second Bill Henderson, motion carried. Changes were approved with one correction and a copy will be attached to the hard copy of minutes on file in the office. Claremont Rescue Squad and Catawba were opposed to these changes.
Terry Foxx; (1)Competitions will be held this weekend. (2) Judges School was held August 6, 2011 in Asheboro for all teams. (3) Four teams have entered the Technical Rescue Competition, four teams in the Individual competition and three teams in The Craig Helms Memorial Challenge.
Robert Poe / Allen Johnson; (1) Competition to be held Saturday Morning at 8 AM. (2)All teams be on time and adhere to schedule. (3) Equipment should be brought to the back of the Convention Center to the loading dock.
Terry Foxx; (1)The training and standards committee has not met since our training class held in Asheboro but have discussed several equipment and procedural issues via phone or email. (2)We have many inspections to be completed by the end of the year. (3)Your Area Director should be in contact with you regarding your upcoming re-inspection.(4)If you were certified prior to 2006 and have not been contacted by your Area Director to arrange a time for inspection please contact the office to advise them. They will ensure you are on the list and arrange for a contact to be made.
Jeff Patton; (1) Hope everyone enjoys this year and has a good time.
Jeff Patton; (1)The 2012 Annual Meeting will be held in High Point, NC September 13-15, 2012. (2) They welcome any comments on this year to make next year better.
Commander Tommy McNeill.
Last year our concern was over the economy. As we start to finish 2011 we have not seen much change in the economy. We have seen some major responses this year from hurricanes, tornadoes and flooding. We have even seen our own set back from weather related issues with the new building.
We continue to partner with OSFM, OEMS, and NCEM in our daily activities. Bone and associates continues to help represent us and keep us in the loop of business at the state level that may affect us.
We have seen change and will continue to see change due to the economy. These changes have included department mergers and department closures, but on the light side we have also seen slight increase with the association membership.
I ask that you continue to support the association and promote its membership. I also ask that you also help to promote the brotherhood. I have seen the brotherhood pay off twice this year in my own squad. It does help make a difference with families.
You are very vital to your communities and do make a difference.
The Association is in good standing financially but we must remain vigilant in watching for changes that may affect us in the future. As you heard earlier the funds that we are involved in are in good shape.
As we head into 2012 I charge you with staying the course and continue to operate how we have gotten to where we are now. Be true to God, yourself, your family, your squad and the Association and in turn the Association will be there for you.
The meeting was recessed until the Awards Presentations.
Welcome was given by Tommy McNeill.
High Point Fire Department Honor Guard presented and retired the colors.
Chaplin Carnie Hedgepeth and Executive Director Gordon A. Joyner conducted the Memorial Service.
Sir Robert Bell (Bagpiper played Amazing Grace.
Commander Tommy McNeill introduced the head table and guests.
N. C. Association of Rescue & EMS Auxiliary Awards
Outstanding Auxiliary of the Year:
Tabor City Rescue Auxiliary
Outstanding Auxiliary Director Award:
Amy Radford - Princeton Rescue Auxiliary
Outstanding Auxiliary Member Award:
Eddie Rose - Tabor City Rescue Auxiliary
Auxiliary Scrapbook Awards:
1st Place - Tabor City Auxiliary
2nd Place - Fremont Rescue & EMS Auxiliary
Installation of NCAREMS Officers: Bill Henderson
Robert Poe, Commander
Terry Foxx, Vice Commander
N. C. Association of Rescue & EMS, Inc Awards
NCAREMS Emeritus Membership:
Drexdall Pratt
NCAREMS Lifetime Membership:
Gary Whitman
Chad M. Smith Memorial Spirit Award:
Claremont Rescue Squad
Steve Richey Memorial Award:
Jamie Dodge - Yadkin County Rescue Squad
William F. Osborne Outstanding Chief Memorial Award:
Phyllis Mozingo - Mount Olive Emergency Services
Hiram Brinson Memorial Award:
Lorrie Lancaster - Tabor City Emergency Services
Debbie Hennessee - Mount Olive Emergency Services
Rescue of the Year Award:
1st Place - Transyvania County Rescue Squad / Brevard Unit
Director of the Year Award:
William Terry Foxx, Area IX
Gordon A. Joyner Secretary of the Year Award:
Lorrie Lancaster
Technical Rescue Competition:
1st Place - Alexander Rescue Squad & EMS
2nd Place - Claremont Rescue Squad
3rd Place - North Mecklenburg Volunteer Rescue
4th Place - Gates County Rescue & EMS
Craig A. Helms Memorial Technical Rescue Challenge:
1st Place - North Mecklenburg Volunteer Rescue
2nd Place - Claremont Rescue Squad
3rd Place - Alexander Rescue Squad & EMS
Technical Individual Challenge:
1st Place - Henry Cook, North Mecklenburg Volunteer Rescue Squad
2nd Place - James Austin, Claremont Rescue Squad
3rd Place - John Stroup III, North Mecklenburg Volunteer Rescue Squad
4th Place - Ryan Smith, Claremont Rescue Squad
Jr BLS Competition:
1st Place - Tabor City Emergency Services
2nd Place - Gates County Rescue & EMS Jr Team 1
3rd Place - Gates County Rescue & EMS Jr Team 2
Sr BLS Competition:
1st Place - Piedmont Triad Ambulance & Rescue Team 1
2nd Place - Fremont EMS
3rd Place - Four Oaks EMS Team 1
4th Place - Ashe County Rescue
5th Place - Claremont Rescue Squad
Benediction by Chaplain Carnie Hedgepeth.
There being no further business the convention was adjourned.
Gordon A. Joyner/Executive Director
(Not official until approved by the Board of Directors.)
Meeting Minutes for September 15-17, 2011