Meeting Minutes for April 22 - 23 - 24, 2010


NC Association of Rescue & EMS, Inc.
April 23-24, 2010
Greenville Convention Center, Greenville NC
Commander Tommy McNeill called the meeting to order.
Invocation was given by Director Bill Henderson.
Welcome was given by Commander Tommy McNeill
The Auxiliary was excused for their meeting.
Adoption of order of business; Motion Scott McCaskill; second Terry Foxx; motion carried.
Roll call of voting delegates; Jerry Bradshaw called the names of 22 voting delegates.
Guests were recognized; Drexdal Pratt Chief OEMS and staff, Rhonda Stevens Fire & Rescue Pension Fund Coordinator, Todd Brown EM, Mike Edwards NC OSFM, and Fred Bone of Bone & Associates.

Old Business:


Agency Reports:


No Report.


Todd Brown, NC Search & Rescue Coordinator; (1) It is our pleasure at the Division to work with the dedicated professionals of the NC Association of Rescue and EMS. (2) NCEM remains busy with training and exercise in all disciplines. Our annual full scale exercise will be held May 4-5, 2010 at the State EOC in Raleigh. We will be testing our EOP and other response procedures in response to a Category 3-4 hurricane taking a track from Wilmington to Fayetteville and through Raleigh. (3) The RRT program is cosponsoring an exercise with TRANSCAER, a chemical transportation industry group that will test local and state response to a transportation accident involving an ethanol tanker truck colliding with a train transporting chlorine and other hazardous materials. (4) NCEM is also working with OEMS to conduct a Medical Support Shelter tabletop exercise to be held at Robeson Community College April 29. The SMSS project continues to develop and will be ready for implementation by this hurricane season to most effectively and efficiently establish a medical support shelter if needed. (5) In another joint venture with OEMS, NCEM is assisting in the development of a Licensed Care Facility Disaster Plan template that will be used by all facilities in NC and will greatly improve local readiness to support these facilities and will get them thinking more about what they would do when threatened by a major disaster event. (6) Finally, the Emergency Services Group will be updating the Statewide Mutual Aid Technical Rescue Directory this spring and will be meeting with NCAREMS to gather data for the directory. (7) Again, NCEM appreciates the dedicated professionals across the state, paid and unpaid, giving their all, to help their neighbors in their time of greatest need.


State Treasurers' Office:

Rhonda Stevens, Coordinator NC Fire / Rescue Pension Fund. (1) Membership in the pension fund is up. (2) Please use full Social Security Numbers when enrolling new members. (3) There has been some computer system problems in the last couple of months and prior years of service applications are on hold. (4) The NCAREMS has submitted the 2009 rosters, however NCSFA has not. (5) We have begun phone call tracking and the handling of phone calls are improving with the addition of another employee in the office to handle calls.

Boards & Commission Representative Reports:

Certification Board:

Henry Sermons / Terry Foxx; (1) The Certification Board met at Pinecroft Sedgefield FD on March 10, 2010. (2) The Board was updated on the progress of the rewrites of the Technical Rescuer Standard. (3) Several certification/qualification packets were reviewed and recommendations made on their behalf. (4) Committee reports were read and accepted. (5) The Instructor qualification process has been reviewed to get a better quality of instructor and will be implemented in the near future. (6) The next meeting will be held at Pinecroft Sedgefield FD on June 9, 2010 at 10:00 AM.

Rescue Committee:

EMS Advisory Committee:

Robert Poe; The EMS Advisory Committee had not met since the last Directors Meeting.

Fire & Rescue Commission:

Doug Lowe/Robert Poe reporting; The Fire & Rescue Commission had not met since the last Directors Meeting.


Gordon Joyner; (1) The fund is sound. (2) Looking at a possible $400000.00 funding cut from the state. (3) Please report any abuse of the system. (4) Next VSWCF Board meeting in May 17, 2009.

Fire & Rescue Pension Fund Board:

Howard A. Shaw/Rhonda Stevens had reported earlier in the Treasurers' Office Report.

Committee reports were given as follows:

Advisory Committee:

Tommy McNeill; No new business.

Finance Committee:

Henry Sermons / Gordon Joyner Reporting; (1) Budget presented for information only. (2) Budget approved at the February Board of Directors Meeting.

Legislative Committee:

Robert Poe / Fred Bone; Gave a slide presentation with hard copy on file in the Association office. (1) Review of political climate in the state legislature. (2) 170 seats are available in the upcoming election. (3) The next General Assembly will be drawing the political map for the next 10 years. (4) He highlighted the primary races of interest. (5) Reviewed the Governor's budget. (6) One of the cuts in the Governor's budget was $400 thousand to the VSWCF. (7) Reviewed the calendar for the upcoming short session. (8) Reviewed the issues and bills that primarily affect Emergency Services.

Membership Committee:

Scott McCaskill; (1) New squads since last annual meeting - 25. (2) Squads Closed - 2. (3) Squads Dropped - 1. (4) Squads Merged - 2. (5) Squads in the Association - 574. (6) Total paid membership - 22,940. (7) Lifetime Members - 24. (8) Emeritus Members - 6. (9) Associate Members - 56. (10) Individual Members - 688. (11) Total membership - 22,940. (12) Departments in the Brotherhood - 228. (13) BH Members - 5811. (14) Individual BH Members - 688. (15) Total Brotherhood Membership - 6,723.

Credentials Committee:

Jerry Bradshaw; (1) There are 22 voting delegates. (2) The committee has verified the resumes and votes, for the areas that had to vote, for Director Elections. (3) The Elected Directors are as follows: Area 1 Ronald Watt, Area 2 Carnie Hedgepeth, Area 3 Woody Sullivan, Area 4 Fitz McKeel, Area 5 Jerry Cornelison, Area 7 Kevin Gordon, Area 8 Jeff Hinshaw, Area 9 Terry Foxx, Area 10 David Stamey. (4) Area 6 did not have anyone to file by the deadline. The Directors will be presented a candidate in the directors meeting.

Constitution Committee:

Glenn Cowan; Proposed changes to the Constitution & By-Laws; Motion from the Constitution Committee to accept proposed changes; second Bill Henderson; motion carried. Changes were approved as presented and a copy will be attached to the hard copy of minutes on file in the office.

Rescue Competition:

BLS Competition:

Robert Poe / Allen Johnson; (1) Competition to be held Saturday Morning at 8 AM. Teams don't be late. (2) Teams equipment can be brought in through the loading dock in the back.

Training And Standards Committee:

Terry Foxx; (1)The training and standards committee has met twice since November 22, 2009 and will meet again during the annual meeting in Greenville. (2) A complete review of all standards is in progress and the committee is currently working on Version 3 of the document. Once all changes have been made to V.3, the committee will review once again and the Standards placed online with a June 1, 2010 deadline for completion. (3) These rewrites will more closely make all of the Standards parallel each other and each will be a more progressive process based on the Light Rescue Standard.

Annual Meeting 2010:

Gordon Joyner; Everything is in place and hope everyone enjoys the weekend of competitions and awards.

Annual Meeting 2011:

Piedmont Triad Representatives; (1) To be held at the High Point Convention Center September 15-17, 2011. (2) Their committee is meeting monthly in planning in hope to make it a success. (3) A review of some of the featured events and information was presented.

New Business:


There being no further business the convention was adjourned.


Gordon A. Joyner/Executive Director

(Not official until approved by the Board of Directors.)

Meeting Minutes for April 22 - 23 - 24, 2010

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