Meeting Minutes for September 16, 2007
NC Association of Rescue & EMS, Inc.
September 16, 2007
Alexander Rescue Squad & EMS, Taylorsville, NC.
Commander Gary Whitman called the meeting to order.
Invocation; Bill Henderson.
Welcome; David Odom, Taylorsville Town Manager.
The Auxiliary was excused for their meeting.
Adoption of order of business; motion Scott McCaskill; second Herb Roberson; motion carried.
Guests were recognized; none.
Roll call showed 14 Directors, 4 Alternates, Commander, Vice Commander, and Executive Director present.
Minutes of Directors meeting; motion to approve Bill Henderson; second Herb Roberson; motion carried.
Minutes of 51th Annual Convention; motion to approve Herb Roberson; second Bill Henderson; motion carried.
No report.
Allen Johnson /Anita Cox. (1) Duke Endowment Phase II Project. The purpose of the EMS Toolkit Grant Program is to improve and enchance North Carolina's Emergnecy Medical Services response times. The EMS Toolkit Grant Project is a new and exciting opportunity for North Carolina EMS Systems to obtain need monetary resources for this very important cause. (2) NCOEMS through the EMS Toolkit Grant Program is designating $1,600,000 for the project year, January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008. (3) OEMS is working with the Administrative Office of the Courts to implement Criminal Background Reviews as provide for in HB 535. (4) MOST Form - New advanced directive form in place. This form does not replace the DNR form, however it can be used in conjuction with the DNR form. (5) EMS today October 6-10 in Greensboro.
Henry Sermons / Terry Foxx. (1) Did not meet. (2) Next meeting 10-25-2007 at Pinecroff-Sedgfield Fire Department, Greensboro.
Terry Fox. (1) Rescue Sub Committee did not meet. (2) Next meeting 10-24-2007 at Pinecroff-Sedgfield Fire Department, Greensboro.
Robert Poe. (1) Meeting for July was canceled. (2) Next meeting 10-09-2007 in Greensboro.
Dean Wall / Gordon A. Joyner. (1) Legislature approved 4.5 million for 2007-2008. (2) Back injuries are a real problem.(3) With proper training, most claims could be prevented. (4) Our safety programs seems to be helping to reduce claims. (5) All department should have safety program and a safety officer. (6) Next meeting 11-19-2007 in Greensboro.
Howard A. Shaw / Gordon Joyner. (1) $2.00 Increase in pension. (2) Pension benefit is now $167.00. (3) Members are encourged to join the pension fund.
Tommy McNeill. (1)No Report.
Henry Sermons / Gary Whitman. (1) Accept NCAR&EMS balance sheets and Brotherhood as of 8-31-2007; second by Bill Henderson; montion carried. (2) Budget for 2007 - 2008 will have to be adjust at the January 2007 meeting to adjust for the building expenses.
Robert Poe. (1) Bone & Associates have done an outstanding job for us. (2) $2,00 increase in pension. (3) Back ground checks passed. (4)ATV Bill passed. (5) 911 changes passed. (6) $250 Tax Credit passed for volunteers. (7) Continuing to work on: Bills that provides 25 year retirement for law enforcement officers, career firefighters, and career emergency medical services workers and provides parity for career firefighters and rescue squad workers. Same as law enforcement.
Tommy McNeill. (1) Five new departments. (2) Two closed. (3)551 squads in Association. (4) 22,305 paid members. (5) 238 Squads in the Brotherhood with 5784 members, 625 individual members, total membership 6409. (6) All standards are being reviewed and will look at typing of resources to comply with NIMS. (6) All standards are online at our web site. (7) A new committe named "Standards and Training" will be formed.
Jeff Hinshaw / Gordon A. Joyner. No report.
Jerry Bradshaw. (1) All Directors elected in even numbered years will be up for election next year. (2) Called out all the names who are coming up next year. (3) Applications will be sent out by February 1st and must be returned by March 1st.
Glen Cowan. No report.
Gary Whitman. (1) Met 9-15-2007. (2) Approved budget for 2007 - 2008.
Terry Foxx. Technicial Rescue Competition - (1) Will combine the BLS Competition with the Rescue Challenge. (2) Will add individual competition and for this year it will be The Stokes Basket Challenge. (3) Durwood Evans Classic will be for real no more fun and games. (4) Technical Rescue Judges Evaluation will be May 3, 2008. Site to be announced. (5) Graduate Mountain Rescue April 11 - 13, 2008. Site to be announced. (6) High Angle Rescue at Stone Mountain, March 28 - 30, 2008. (7) Deadline for all competition entries will be May 1, 2008.
Tommy McNeill/Allen Johnson. (1) BLS evaluation and Rescue Challenge merging together will require more logistics. (2) Next BLS Evaluation will be held in Goldsboro, January 26th 2008, 10:00 AM at Comfort Suites. (3) Any problems or comments must be in writing and directed to the officers.
Long Range Planning Committee: Anita Cox. (1) Site work should begin in October. (2) Final plans by October 1st. (3) Name of the building was suggested, Mar Mac Pointe, since that area is known as the Mar Mac Community. Second Herb Roberson; motion carried.
Catawba County Rescue Association. Phillip Killian. (1) June 21-22, 2008, Hickory Metro Convention Center, Hickory, NC. (2) Reviewed plans. (3) All information will be put on the web page.
NCAREMS. Gordon A. Joyner. (1) June 25 -28, 2009. Greenville Convention Center, Greenville, NC. (2) Contracts are being negociated.(3) All information will be put on the web page.
Appointed the following committees:
Convention Over Sight Committee. Robert Poe, Chair, members Terry Foxx, Tommy McNeill, Susan Burt, Joel Faircloth and Gordon A. Joyner.
Standards And Training Committee. Terry Foxx, Chair, members Tommy McNeill, Jeff Hinshaw, Robert Poe, Richard Caudill, Joe Mancous and Bob Twomey.
Motion to adjourn by Herb Roberson; second by Bill Henderson; motion carried.
Gordon A. Joyner/Executive Director
(Not official Until Approved by the Board of Directors.)
Meeting Minutes for September 16, 2007