Meeting Minutes for September 17, 2006
NC Association of Rescue & EMS, Inc.
September 17, 2006
Ash-Rand Rescue Squad & EMS, Asheboro, NC.
Commander Gary Whitman called the meeting to order.
Invocation was given by Chaplin Dean Wall.
Welcome; Harold Holmes, Chairman Randolph County Board of Commissioners.
The Auxiliary was excused for their meeting.
Adoption of order of business; motion by Robert Poe; second by Vince Stone; motion carried.
Guests were recognized; none.
Roll call showed 15 Directors, 7 Alternates, Commander, Vice Commander, and Executive Director present.
Minutes of Directors meeting; motion to approve as amended by Bill Henderson; second by Cristial McCaskill; motion carried.
Minutes of 50th Annual Convention; motion to approve by Bill Henderson; second by Vince Stone; motion carried.
No report.
Mary Beth Young (1) We where activated for TS Ernesto and appreciate the Association, SERT partners and local teams that where on standby or deployed for the event. (2). For the next 3-4 weeks North Carolina will be in the prime of hurricane season, we urge all teams and personnel to continue to prepare personally so we may all respond professionally. (3) NCEM is working on the continuity of Operations Plan, including the state complex COOP.
(4) NCEM is continuing NIMS typing of RRT, USAR and SRT as well as working with SERT partners on typing for the Web EOC Resource Database. (5) We where granted 8.5 million for a new Emergency Operation Center by the legislature and will be co-located with the NCNG off of Reedy Creek Road in Raleigh. (6) UH60 radios has been approved for purchase to assist with air to ground communications between the NCNG and SRT teams.
Allen Johnson /Anita Cox. (1) Dead line for system protocals has passed and a few have not filed.(2) OEMS will hold three HRSA Grants funding meeting across the state.(3) HRSA Grants must be awarded by regions. (4)HRSA Grants draw down must be done by 9-30-2006.
Henry Sermons / Terry Foxx. (1) Meets quarterly (2) Next meeting 10-11-2006 at Gaston College in Gastonia.
Terry Fox. (1) Rescue Sub Committee met on 7/24/2006 at Pinecroft Sedgefield FD. (2) Topics discussed included Confined Space pilots are ready to roll and will be scheduled soon. (3) We can qualify up to 5 instructors at the pilot courses. (4) Agriculture and Wilderness programs still in the development. (5) Next meeting is Oct 10 @ 7:30 PM at Gaston College.
Robert Poe. (1) Meeting for July was canceled. (2) Next meeting 10-10-2006 in Greensboro.
Dean Wall. (1) The fund is sound. (2) Legislature approved 4.5 million for 2006-2007. (3) Back injuries are a real problem.(4) With proper training, most claims could be prevented. (5) Our safety programs seems to be helping to reduce claims. (6) Departments with several claims will be worked with to make sure they have a safety program and a safety officer. (6) Next meeting 11-20-2006 in Greensboro.
Gordon Joyner for Howard A. Shaw. (1) New 800 number, 800 508-9110. (2) Pension benefit is now $165.00. (3)Working for another increase next year.
Tommy McNeill. (1) Stroke Advisory Council has been appointed and we have a representative on the Council, Michael Brown from Greenville. (2)Advised administrative changes for awards for Directors and Secretary of the year awards. (3) Reviewed the draft of the convention schedule. (4) NCAR&EMS subsistence rates, per-diem policy and IRS mileage rates are in your package.
Henry Sermons. (1) Accept NCAR&EMS balance sheets and Brotherhood as of 8-31-2006; second by Bill Henderson; montion carried.
Robert Poe. (1) Bone & Associates have done an outstanding job for us. (2) Stroke Advisory Council has been established. (3) OEMS plans to ask for legislation to allow back ground checks for EMS personnel.(4) $2.00 increase in pension fund.(5) Volunteer Safety Workers' Compensation; $4,500,000, 2006 - 2007. (6) Bill to elimate ambulance franchises will come up again next year. (7) Continuing to work on: (a) Bills that provides 25 year retirement for law enforcement officers, career firefighters, and career emergency medical services workers and provides parity for career firefighters and rescue squad workers. Same as law enforcement.
Tommy McNeill. (1) Four new departments. (2) 536 squads in Association. (3) 22,16 paid members. (4) 233 Squads in the Brotherhood with 5385 members, 602 individual members, total membership 5987. (5) All standards are being reviewed and will look at typing of resources to comply with NIMS. (6) All standards are online at our web site.
Tommy McNeill for Jeff Hinshaw: Proposed change to Personnel Policy; second by Billy Sparks; motion carried.
Jerry Bradshaw. (1) All Directors elected in odd numbered years will be up for election next year. (2) Called out all the names who are coming up next year. (3) Applications will be sent out by February 1st and must be returned by March 1st.
Glen Cowan. No report.
Gary Whitman. (1) Approved a 2/4 year scholarship to allow children of members to apply up front for a $8000.00 scholarship and go to a two year school and then transfer to a four year school. (2) Will award one per area. (3) Approved for any child of a member who applies for a $12,000.00 scholarship and receives it and then decides to go to a two year school, the scholarship will revert to a 2/4 $8000.00 scholarship.(4) Any child of a member who applies for a scholarship and does not receive it will be placed on the pritortized list for one year. (5) We will award each year to children of members, 10, 2/4 $8000.00 scholarships, 35, $2000.00 scholarships and 35, $12000.00 scholarships. (6) We will award each year to eligible members 35, $2000.00 scholarships and 35, $4000.00 scholarships. (7) Scholarship applications will be online 01-01-2007. They must be filled out online, down loaded and submitted to the office by March 31st along with the proper documentation. (8) Rules for the Natural Death Benefit will follow the same rules as duty deaths as far as eligibility criteria.
Terry Foxx. Rescue Competition - (1) Agricultrual Problem will be the scenario. (2) Catawba Co Rescue Association contact is David Killian with Hickory Rescue. (3) Heavy Competiion will be held on Friday Morning @ 7AM followed by the Durwood Evans Classic. (4) Rescue Challenge to be held @ 4PM and it will be held inside. (5) Site visit will be made prior to the next directors meeting and will have all scenarios finalized by then. (6) Rescue Judges Evaluation will be March 31. Site to be announced.
Tommy McNeill/Allen Johnson. (1) BLS evaluation had 2 persons. (2) Changes in the Judges score sheets; each Judge will have the same score sheet. (3) Changes in equipment list. (4) Any comments should be directed to the officers.
Long Range Planning Committee: Anita Cox. (1) Committee reviewed draft plan. (2) Motion from committee to proceed with drafting the plans; motion carried.
Catawba County Rescue Association. Phillip Killian. (1) June 21-24, 2007, Hickory Metro Convention Center, Hickory, NC. (2) Reviewed plans. (3) All information will be put on the web page.
Catawba County Rescue Association. Phillip Killian. (1) June 19-22-, 20087. Hickory Metro Convention Center, Hickory NC. (2) Contracts have been signed (3) All information will be put on the web page.
Motion to adjourn by Terry Foxx; second by Vince Stone; motion carried.
Gordon A. Joyner/Executive Director
(Not official Until Approved by the Board of Directors.)
Meeting Minutes for September 17, 2006