Meeting Minutes for June 23 - 24, 2006


NC Association of Rescue & EMS, Inc.
June 23, 2006
Marriott Hotel Winston Salem NC
Commander Gary Whitman called the meeting to order.
Invocation was given by Chaplain Dean Wall.
Welcome was given by Bruce Butner of Winston Salem Rescue.
The Auxiliary was excused for their meeting.
Adoption of order of business; motion by Robert Poe; second by Terry Foxx; motion carried.
Roll call of voting delegates by Jerry Bradshaw.
Guests were recognized; Drexdal Pratt Chief OEMS and staff, Robert Swiger Field Service Supervisor Department of Insurance/ OSFM, Rhonda Stevens Fire & Rescue Pension Fund Coordinator, Mary Beth Young EM and Scott Bullard Community College Director.

Old Business:


Commander Whitman recommended Honorary Life Membership for Richard Caudill, Tim Pennell and Lena B. Joyner. All were elected to Honorary Life Membership.

Agency Reports:




Drexdal Pratt Chief of OEMS; (1) Introduced staff members. (2) Staff has worked hard to prepare the BLS competition. (3) OEMS will assist with the tall ships visit to Beaufort and Morehead City.(4) Regional specialist working with HRSA grants for compliance. (5) Ambulance state contract information on OEMS web site.

Boards & Commission Representative Reports:

Certification Board:

Henry Sermons /Terry Foxx ; Will combine the Certification Board and Rescue Sub-Committee into one report.

Rescue Sub-Committee:

Terry Fox; (1) Meets quarterly. (2) Next meeting 7-25-2006 at Pinecroft-Sedgefield Fire Dept. in Greensboro. (3) Trench Rescue should be ready in July.(4) Confined Space will have several pilots. (5) Wilderness Land Search and Agricurtal are being devoloped. (6) Next Rescue Sub-Committee meeting 7-25-2006 and Certification Board will meet 7-26-2006 at Pinecroft-Sedgefield Fire Department.

EMS Advisory Committee:

Fire & Rescue Commission:


Dean Wall;(1) The fund is sound. (2) Legislature approved 4.5 million for 2006-2007. (3) With proper training, most claims could be prevented. (4) Our safety programs seem to be helping to reduce claims. (5) Departments with several claims will be worked with to make sure they have a safety program and a safety officer. (6) Board is pro-active in preventing injuries; 3 losses in a year will trigger an administrative review. (7) Next meeting 8-21-2006 in Greensboro.

Fire & Rescue Pension Fund Board:

Rhonda Stevens Coordinator for the Fire & Rescue Pension Fund; (1) The fund is very sound. (2) New 800 number has cut down the hold time. (3) $2.00 increase in benefits this year is in budget bill. (4) Contact her is you would like for her to come to your department and explain the pension fund.

Committee reports were given as follows:

Advisory Committee:

Tommy McNeill; No report.

Finance Committee:

Henry Sermons; (1) Budget presented for information only. (2) Budget approved at the January Board of Directors Meeting.

Legislative Committee:

Robert Poe / Fred Bone; Gave presentation on the Legistature and the Legislation that they are tracking for the Fire, Rescue & EMS.

Membership Committee:

Tommy McNeill; (1) 22 New squads in 2006, 532 Squads in the Association. (2) Total membership 21,789. (3) 17 Lifetime Members. (4) 4 Emeritus Members. (5) 46 Associate Members. (6) 599 Individual Members. (7) Total membership 22,455. (8) 231 departments in the Brotherhood 5,343 Members. (9) 599 Individual Members. (10) Total membership 5,942.

Personnel Committee:

Jeff Hinshaw; (1) Published job description for new position. (2) Position was advertised in several newspapers, sent out to all departments and posted on the State Employment Commsission Site.
(3) Interviews were held and Joe Burris was offered the position.

Credentials Committee:

Jerry Bradshaw reporting; (1) Six areas had no one filed for Director by the deadline. (2) Since the deadline five areas have had someone file. (3) Area VII had three to file, Doug Bickerstaff, Tex Hendrex and Mark Lamphear. All three are well qualified. Doug Bickerstaff was appointed Director.(4) Area I Director Billy Winn was relected. Carnie Hedgepeth was elected Director for Area II. No Director for Area III. Area IV Director Fitz McKell was relected. Jerry Cornelison was elected Director for Area V. Jackie Likens was elected Director for Area VI. Area VIII Director Jeff Hinshaw was relected. Area IX Director Terry Foxx was relected. Area X Director Herb Roberson was relected.(5) All deglates have been certified and eligible to vote.

Constitution Committee:

Glenn Cowan; (1) Proposed changes to by-laws have been sent to all departments. (2) Motion from committee to accept the proposed changes; seconded by Herb Roberson; motion carried.

Relief Fund Committee:

Robert Poe; (1) Your package contains benefits available to members and most of these benefits come from the relief fund. (2) Will continue working on increasing benefits. (3) Funding 420 scholarships at a cost of $700,000 per year.

Rescue Competition:

Terry Foxx; (1) 17 teams competed in Rescue Challenge. (2) Nine teams will compete in Rescue Competition. (3) Would like to thank OSFM for their help in putting on the competition. (3) Thank Winston-Salem Rescue for the help in the logistics on putting on the competition. (4) Old & Goldies competion will be at 6 PM. Invited all to come and see the Old Timers show their skills.

BLS Competition:

Tommy McNeill; (1) 12 teams in competition. (2) Please adhere to the schedule. (3) Thanks to OEMS and Allen Johnson who was the liaison for the competition.

Special Committees:

Gary Whitman for Anita Cox; Long Range Planning Committee; (1) Continuing to work. (2) Enginers are looking at the site to determine the exact size of building we can construct. (3) Will meet 6-24-06.

Gary Whitman; Memorial Fund Committee; (1) Continuing to work on the project. (2) Money that has been donated is drawing interest. (3) Memorial will be at the State Vistitor Center to be built in downtown Raleigh.

Convention 2006:

Gordon A. Joyner; (1) We are here and things seem to going well. (2) Works much better with the Convention Center and the hotel under the same management.

Convention 2007:

Phillip Killian; Hickory Metro Trade Center, Hickory, June 21-22-23, 2007.

New Business:


There being no further business the convention was adjourned.


Gordon A. Joyner/Secretary-Treasurer

(Not official until approved by the Board of Directors.)

Meeting Minutes for June 23 - 24, 2006

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