Meeting Minutes for January 23, 2005
NC Association of Rescue & EMS, Inc.
January 23, 2005
Sampson County EMS, Clinton NC
Commander Robert Poe called the meeting to order.
Invocation was given by Chaplain Dean Wall.
Welcome. Jerry Bradshaw welcomed us on behalf of Sampson County Rescue Association and introduced Lou Starling, Mayor of Clinton who welcomed us on behalf of the Town of Clinton.
The Auxiliary was excused for their meeting.
Adoption of order of business; motion by Tommy McNell; second by Fitz McKeel; motion carried.
Guests were recognized; Allen Johnson with OEMS.
Roll call showed 14 Directors, 5 Alternates, Commander, Vice Commander, and Secretary-Treasurer present.
Minutes of Directors and Convention meetings. Motion to approved by Bill Henderson; Second by Dean Grigg; motion carried.
No report.
No Report.
Allen Johnson & Anita Cox, OEMS. (1) New certification certificate will show void if trying to make copies. If you need copies contact OEMS. (2) Five State Atlantic Coast Group sharing and validating EMS test data bank . (3) Gave update on 2004 HRSA Grants (4) Only 4% of Home Land Grants are going to EMS, need to work through you local committee. (5) Terrorism drills will be held this year and one will be a state wide drill.
Henry Sermons. (1) meets quarterly (2) next meeting 1-25-2005 at Pincroft-Sedgefield Fire Dept in Greensboro.
Terry Fox. (1) Agricultural Rescue is being developed. (2) Surface Water has been developed and Instructors qualified. (3) Other speciality areas are nearing completion. Some should be pilot tested at Rescue College. (4) Rescue College will be held at Gaston Community College February 11-12-13 and February 23-24-25, 2005. (5) Mountain Rescue School with be held at Stone Mountain State Park April 1-2-3, 2005. Information is online. (6) If you have any input on the standards or rescue college, please get the information to one of the officers.
Robert Poe. (1) Meet 11-09-2004. (2) Five public meeting were held to get input about the EMS System (3) American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma did a Trauma System Consultation for the State August 1 - 4, 2004. A Trauma Task Fore has been appointed to study the Trauma Report and make commendations to OEMS. (4) The report is posted on OEMS web site. (5) AED Grants for 2005 is $222,000 and Ambulance providers will have first priority for defibrillators then QRV's and First Responders.
Robert Poe. (1) Meet 1-17-2005. (2) Unified Command classes are doing very well. (3)
NEIMS will be required for any Home Land Security Grant. (4) Incidents data reports are posted on DOI web site (5) Direct Delivery Agencies will be inspected and then fall into a five year window for re-inspection. (6) Federal Government will require credentials for Fire and Rescue Personnel with ID's for those responding to a national emergency. (7) FEMA Grant writing workshop. Information is on DOI web page. (8) DOI working on replacing computer system so services can check certification online. (9) OSHA has new guidelines of traffic accidents, information is on DOI web site.
Dean Wall / Gordon Joyner. (1) The fund is sound. (2) Large claims could hurt the system. We have one claim that could be 9.1 million dollars. (3) With proper training, most claims could be prevented. (4) Renewals will be sent to the Insurance Agency and cc to the departments. (5) Premiums must be paid by July 1st; if not members will not have workers' compensation coverage. (6) Our safety programs seem to be helping to reduce claims. (7) Departments with a lot of claims will be worked with to make sure they have good safety programs and a safety officer. (8) Workers Compensation Laws may need to be changed because once a person is on the system, there is no incentive to get off the system.
Gordon Joyner for Howard A. Shaw. (1) New number 800 508-9110. (2) Pension benefit is now $161.00. (3) Next meeting is set for 2-18-2005 at the State Treasurers' Office. (4) Actuarial report should be in and should be able to support a small increase in the benefits.
Gary Whitman. (1) Convention guest list. Chief of OEMS & guest, Deputy of OSFM Fire & Rescue Training & guest, President NCAR&EMS Auxiliary & guest, Director of Pension Fund & guest, Legal Advisor & guest, Director of EM & guest, Medical Advisor & guest, Chaplain & guest, Parliamentarian & guest and NCAR&EMS Secretaries & guests. Members of the Council of State have an open invitation to attend our convention. The Officers have the authority to authorize the payment of registration for the representatives of OFSM & OEMS. Second by Tommy McNeill; motion carried. (2) Motion contract with a lobbyist with the funding to come from the contingency fund for this year and be a budget item for next year, Cost would be $7000 - $10000 per year. Second by Herb Robinson; motion carried. (3) NCAR&EMS subsistence rates and our per-diem policy on page 61 in your package.
Henry Sermons. (1) Accept balance sheets for the NCAR&EMS and Brotherhood for 12-31-2004. Second by Fitz McKeel; motion carried. (2) Accept proposed budget for NCAR&EMS. Second by Bill Henderson; motion carried. (3) Accept proposed budget for Brotherhood. Second by Bill Henderson; motion carried. (4) Accept audit report. Second by Billy Winn; motion carried.
Henry Sermons. (1) Legislators will return the last week of January. (2) Follow State & Federal legislation on our web site.
Four have not filed. (4) Three departments were late in filing. (5) Nine squads dropped. (6) 512 squads in Association. (7) 20036 paid members. (8) 232 Squads in the Brotherhood with 5161 members, 597 individual members, total membership 5758. (9) Approved new equipment list for Medical Responder Unit and Cleaned up the Rescue Resource Provider Standard. (10) All standards are online at our web.
Gary Whitman. (1) Let your voice be heard. Keep the media informed about your operations. (2) Several press releases have been sent to the office.
Sprunt Hall: (1) Working on job description for Executive Director. (2) Process of hiring a Secretary/Treasurer, hoping to have in place before October of this year.
Robert Poe for Angie Callihan; No report.
Jerry Bradshaw. (1) Committee has approved new deadlines because of the convention moving to June. (2) All deadlines are on the new application forms. (3) All Directors elected in odd numbered years will be up for election this year. (4) Application will be sent out by February 1st and must be back by March 1st.
Glenn Cowan.
2.2.2 Section 2: The Vice-Commander
In addition to the duties and responsibilities of the Vice-Commander found in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Vice-Commander shall, in the absence of the Commander, perform all the duties of the Commander's office. The Vice-Commander shall also Chair the Membership and Publicity and Public
Relations Committees. The Commander and Vice-Commander shall determine the Board of Directors meeting dates, times and locations for the coming year at the annual Convention. Finally, the Vice-Commander, with the consent of the Commander, may, if acting in good faith, act in the name of the Association in all matters of Association business that cannot await a Board of Director's meeting. However, all such actions shall only temporarily bind the Association until the next regularly scheduled Board meeting, at which time the Commander
and Vice-Commander shall report their actions to the Board of Directors who may adopt, disavow or modify the Commander and Vice- Commander's actions.
Related Sections:
Article V, Section 1: Elected Association Officers
Article V, Section 5: Board of Directors
Article II, Section 7: Remuneration
Article III, Section 1: Commander and Vice-Commander Succession
Article III, Section 3: Board of Director Members
Article V: Voting
Page 28 & 29
2.4 ARTICLE IV: Standing Committee Duties
2.4.1 Section 1: Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee shall consist of a minimum of 12 (10) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Advisory Committee shall review and/or recommend policy changes affecting any Association activity, office, officer or employee; offer advice to the Board of Directors and any Association Officer or committee upon request; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
Related Sections:
Article V, Section 5: Board of Directors
Article VI, Section 3: Board of Directors Meetings
Article III, Section 3: Board of Director Members
Article IV, Section 6: Personnel Committee
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2.4.2 Section 2: Finance Committee
The Finance Committee shall consist of a minimum of 10 members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Finance Committee shall prepare a budget
to govern the expenses of the Association for the year following the Convention (this budget shall be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors and presented to the Convention Assembled by the Finance Chairperson); explore and implement ways of raising funds for the Association; approve all travel expenses and expenses for additional help prior to disbursement by the Treasurer, if appropriate; develop guidelines by
which such disbursements may be made by the Treasurer; provide a recommendation on all matters concerning employee salaries, including raises and cuts, to the Board of Directors who shall make all final salary decisions by majority vote; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
Related Sections:
Article V, Section 2: Appointive Association Officers
Article II, Section 3, Subsection B: Treasurer
Article II, Section 7: Remuneration
Article III, Section 7: Appointive Association Officers
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2.4.3 Section 3: Legislative Committee
The Legislative Committee shall consist of a minimum of 10 members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Legislative Committee shall monitor legislation and regulation changes and developments in the state and national governments affecting members
of the Association and report such developments to the Board of Directors for dissemination to local squads; at the urging of the Board of Directors, initiate actions to change or modify existing or proposed law on the state and national level affecting the Association membership; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
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2.4.4 Section 4: Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall consist of a minimum of four (4) eight (8) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet at least once yearly and as otherwise needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and
By-Laws, the Membership Committee shall establish additional requirements for Active Unit Membership in the Association as provided in these By-Laws under Active Membership; meet at least once yearly to consider changes in these membership requirements; prepare membership applications and grant or deny applications for membership in this Association; provide for one of its members to receive all new applications and keep an accurate record of these; do all within its power to enlist new members in the Association; keep the
Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
Related Sections:
Article III: Membership
Article I: Membership
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2.4.5 Section 5: Publicity and Public Relations
The Publicity and Public Relations Committee shall consist of a minimum of six (6) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Publicity and Public Relations Committee shall also endeavor to enlighten the public as to the work of the Association and the service of individual squads to mankind; seek to publish items of interest in the media and any Association newsletter; be responsible for the publication of any Association newsletter; keep the Board of Directors informed of its
activities; and, perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
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2.4.7 Section 7: Resolutions Committee
The Resolutions Committee shall consist of a minimum of two (2) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet at least once yearly and as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Resolutions Committee shall also review resolutions presented by Association members and make recommendations
on them to the Board of Directors and/or Convention Assembled. This committee may also draft resolutions on its own accord; make grammatical corrections to any resolutions submitted for its consideration; and, shall provide for their distribution to the appropriate individuals, firms, corporations and/or governmental bodies and agencies if passed. The Resolutions Committee shall keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
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2.4.8 Section 8: Credentials Committee
The Credentials Committee shall consist of a minimum of two (2) four (4) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet at the annual Convention prior to the opening of the first session of the Business Meeting or as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Credentials Committee shall also verify the credentials of each voting delegate to the Convention and certify his/her right(s) to vote during the Business
Meeting; draft, for majority approval of the Board of Directors, and publish campaign requirements for candidates for Association Office; review the qualifications of candidates for Association Office at the Annual Convention and report their findings
to the Convention Assembled; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, shall perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
Related Sections:
Article III: Membership
Article VI: Meetings
Article I: Membership
Article IV, Section 4: Membership Committee
Article V: Voting
Page 47 & 48
2.4.9 Section 9: Constitution Committee
The Constitution Committee shall consist of a minimum of two (2) four (4) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members and shall meet at least once yearly and as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and Bylaws, the Constitution Committee shall also review the Association's Constitution and these Bylaws to consider the need for amendments to clarify or update them, at their required meeting; review any amendment(s) submitted by the
Association membership to determine their timeliness and impact of the Constitution and Bylaws prior to the Convention; provide a recommendation to the Board of Directors and to the Convention Assembled on such amendment(s); and interpret the Constitution and these Bylaws. Upon written request, the Committee shall give a written interpretation of the provisions of this Constitution and Bylaws which shall be filed by the Secretary for future reference. Written interpretations by the Constitution Committee shall be binding and may only be changed by the Constitution Committee or Amendment. The Constitution Committee shall keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
Related Sections:
Article VI: Meetings
Article IX: Amendments
Article VI: Administrative Procedures
Article VII: Amendments
Page 48 & 49
2.4.10 Section 10: Mutual Aid Committee
The Mutual Aid Committee shall consist of a minimum of four (4) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and By-Laws, the Mutual Aid Committee shall also maintain mutual aid guidelines to assist the Commander in dispatching assistance to individual squads in an orderly and safe manner and to protect against the unnecessary loss of life due to large scale disasters; keep the Board of
Directors informed of its activities; perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
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2.4.11 Section 11: Relief Fund Committee
The Relief Fund Committee shall consist of a minimum of three (3) members excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and Bylaws, the Relief Fund Committee shall also assist, as required by law, in administering the North Carolina Rescue Squad Worker's Relief Fund; keep the Board
of Directors informed of its activities; and, shall perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
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2.4.12 Section 12: Rescue Competition Committee
The Rescue Competition Committee shall consist of a minimum of one (1) four (4) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties
and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and Bylaws, the Rescue Competition Committee shall also serve as liaison between the Association and the North Carolina Department of Insurance Fire and Rescue Services Division, or its successor, for the purpose of sponsoring an annual competition between Association squads involving rescue techniques; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, shall perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
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2.4.13 Section 13: BLS Competition Committee
The BLS Competition Committee shall consist of a minimum of one (1) four (4) members, excluding its chairperson and any ex-officio members, and shall meet as needed. In addition to the duties and responsibilities bestowed on this Committee in the Association's Constitution and Bylaws, the BLS Competition Committee shall also serve as liaison between the Association and the North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services, or its successor, for the purpose of sponsoring an annual competition between
Association squads involving patient care techniques; keep the Board of Directors informed of its activities; and, shall perform such other duties as the Commander and/or Board of Directors may require of it.
Related Sections to this Article as a Whole:
Article V, Section 2: Appointive Association Officers
Article V, Section 6: Standing Committees
Article VI, Section 5: Standing Committee Meetings
Article II, Section 3, Subsection H: Standing Committee
Article III, Section 6: Committee Members and Association
Article V: Voting
Page 50
The following guidelines were drawn up with the idea to help promote good public relations, and to also help inform state officials of Mutual Aid in rescue operations throughout the State of North Carolina.
1. Whenever additional help is needed beyond one (1) county, the following procedures shall be followed.
The Officer in charge of the local squad shall investigate to see if an emergency exists, the type of emergency, and to insure that all personnel called will be needed for a rescue operation, and that no unnecessary men and equipment shall be called.
2. The local squad will be responsible for calling one of the Area Directors of the Area informing him of the additional amount of manpower and equipment needed, the type of operation needed for the area into which personnel are to report, and to who they are to report.
3. If the Area Director cannot be reached, the local squad should call the Association office, State Commander, Vice-Commander or Secretary-Treasurer.
4. After the local squad has called for more help to the Area Director, Association office, State Commander, Vice-Commander or Secretary-Treasurer, they shall set up a command post to fully utilize the manpower and equipment requested.
5. It shall be the duty of the Area Director to immediately relay information and requests to the Association office,
State Commander, Vice-Commander or Secretary-Treasurer and to render all needed assistance to the local squad.
6. Mutual Aid should remain within the Area as long as there is sufficient manpower and equipment to handle the situation.
7. The North Carolina Association of Rescue and Emergency Medical Services may authorize the Area Director to make the calls needed for manpower and equipment and in doing so, authorize him to charge the phone calls to the State Association credit card if the State Office deems it necessary.
8. A written report of the Mutual Aid call and activities will be submitted to the Association Office by the Director
in charge.
The following information is intended to be used as a guideline by those agencies directly and indirectly involved in providing fire, rescue, and emergency medical services resources in fulfilling their responsibilities as identified in the State Comprehensive Emergency Plan.
It is hoped that this document will clarify and identify lines of communication and command procedures that interface with existing procedures by other agencies. The procedures within follow these guidelines universally recognized and are in some stages of implementation by Fire, Rescue and Emergency Medical Services within the State of North Carolina.
1. Upon initial notification of SERT activity, the Association will be notified by F/R-OEMS Operations and be advised of the individual in charge.
2. All requests for resources through the Association will be handled through the designated individual so designated by F/R-OEMS Operations.
3. The Association shall notify, obtain, and organize requested equipment and notify F/R-OEMS Operations of its location, individual in charge and communications route.
4. All Area Directors are to assemble resources by counties or areas and notify the Association of the staging area, the individual who is in charge of the staging area, The names and certification of all individuals and the name and number of all vehicles will be given to the Association. The Association will then notify the State EOC of this information and the movement of resources can be authorized If possible, the individual squads should notify the appropriate individual in their county who should be aware of movement of resources from the county.
5. If provisions for fuel, food, lodging and support needs cannot be authorized, Association resources will not be
requested or authorized by EOC.
6. Any resources responding, without documented authorization by the Association, will be returned and no support provided.
7. All units when in staging areas will be given hourly briefings.
1. The location of F/R-OEMS Staging Area will be determined by Command based on known and predictable conditions. Locations will provide flexibility of movement and ease in providing support needs to units being held at staging.
2. In the initial planning for the location of F/R-OEMS Staging Areas, the DEM and other state agencies will be contacted by Command. Staging Area will not be established until availability of fuel, food and other support equipment at no cost, can be finalized.
3. F/R-OEMS field units located at designated Staging Areas will be provided with a listing of units, personnel and estimated arrival time of authorized resources. Any unauthorized units and/or personnel will be returned and no support provided.
4. All fuel, food and other support equipment used by authorized units must be documented and this documentation forwarded to F/R-OEMS Operations by F/R-OEMS field units.
5. Information relayed to Field Units from F/R-OEMS Operations shall be passed on to resources located in Staging Areas by hourly briefings.
6. All units must report to designated Staging Areas for debriefing prior to return and termination of all operations. All movement must be documented by Field Units and forwarded to F/R-OEMS Operations.
7. No Staging Areas shall be terminated or equipment released unless authorized by F/R-OEMS Operations.
8. Any agency, county or local mutual aid agreements activated prior to or during SERT Operations shall be the responsibility of those requesting agencies and to not fall under the support responsibilities of F/R-OEMS Operations.
Page 60-61-61
Robert Poe. (1) Make sure you have your officers and equipment updated and on file with the office. (2) Know the mutual aid guidelines and follow them. They are online at our web site.
Robert Poe. (1) Grade reports must be in by February 10th, 2005. If not scholarship will be forfeited and given to someone else. (2) Scholarship applications are online. They must be filled out online, down loaded and submitted to the office by March 31st along with the proper documentation.
Terry Foxx. (1) Airport site will be used. (2) Working on problem. (3) Richard Caudill is working on the Rescue Challenge. (4) Rescue Judges Evaluation will be held May 21, 2005 at Winston Salem Rescue Squad. (4) Judges entry deadline 5-1-05. (5) Deadline for Rescue & Rescue Challenge entries 5-1-2005. (6) Old & Goldies rescue competition will be held at 7PM. (7) Four teams captains will be Joe Burris, Richard Caudill, Durwood Evans and Jim Hardy. (8) Each captain will draw five names from a pot and then work the rescue problem. (9) All applications are online.
Gary Whitman/Allen Johnson. (1) BLS evaluation had 16 persons. (2) New BLS evaluation tape was used. (3) Western OEMS Office is handling the problem. (4) Any comments should be directed to the officers. (5) Special thanks to OEMS, Highway Patrol, Gardner Fire Department and Gardner EMS for their assistance on the new BLS ealuation tape.
Long Range Planning Committee: Anita Cox. (1) Allow Secretary/Treasurer to negotiate with Realtor on adjoining property. Second by Henry Sermons; motion carried. (2) Move the current Sercretary/Treasurer to Executive Director an hire a new Secretary/Treasurer and try to implement by fall of 2005. Second by Bill Henderson; motion carried.
Association. Gordon A. Joyner. (1) June 24-25-26 , 2005 in Winston Salem, NC. (2) Hotel contracts have been signed. (3) All information will be put on the web page. (4) Party Time-Party Time DJ on Friday and Saturday nights. (4) All information is linked to web site on our web page. ( Hotel, Competition Entries, Registration and Schedules are all online. (5) Convention will be up for bids for 2007. (6) Several sites are being looked at and all must come to the Board of Director who will make the decision as to which site to choose.
Association. Gordon A. Joyner. (1) June 23-24-25, 2006 in Winston Salem, NC. (2) All contract have been signed (3) All information will be put on the web page.
(1) Gary Whitman announced he was a candidate for Commander. (2) Tommy McNeil announced he was a candidate for Vice Commander. (3) Several regional schools are posted on our web site.
Motion to adjourn by Herb Robinson. Second by Tommy McNeil; motion carried.
Gordon A. Joyner/Secretary-Treasurer
(Not official Until Approved by the Board of Directors.)
Meeting Minutes for January 23, 2005